For anyone using a Logitech Driving Force Pro, Here's an interesting tip.
Select + R3 + Wheel mounted Right Paddle shifter (R1) = 900 degrees
Select + R3 + Wheel mounted Left Paddle shifter (L1) = 100% force feed back
(Note: For those who dont know where are the wheel mounted paddle shifter's, their the 2 buttons behind the wheel.)
This works when it's plugged into PC too. Just been doing some SSing with it in 900 degrees mode (with the power lead unplugged)
I'm happy to report that it is incredibly similar to the real thing, with all those extra turns and no self-centering.
And since you can pick one up for about £50, It's WAY cheaper than the Ship Control Unit. I don't see how they're going to make a profit at all with those things!
Not sure if it's just SS or on the PC as a whole, but there's no force feedback, will try some other games now...
Stay tuned!