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Author Topic: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides  (Read 3676546 times)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23600 on: September 05, 2012, 22:35:54 »

Oh, it's only just begun... ;)
Today's weather:


Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23601 on: September 06, 2012, 01:33:05 »

The biggest thing I've built in minecraft was an underwater house :P
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23602 on: September 06, 2012, 01:36:33 »

I made one of those on survival once.
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Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23603 on: September 06, 2012, 01:40:21 »

12 days to go!

Overnight in Istanbul tomorrow, so that barely counts, 11 days; Saturday and Sunday are the weekend so that doesn't count, 9 days; next Saturday and Sunday are also the weekend so I really only have 1 week left onboard.


Why is it I get the feeling you don't like that ship....  :doh:

If I can find some pictures of the stuff myself, V.H94, ralphy, shipboyss, laganviking and a few others made I'll stick them up here... as their awsome! ;D
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23604 on: September 06, 2012, 11:15:32 »

I can't do anything in survival, I'm uses to Creative, which the only way you die is if you fall through bedrock. :doh:
My PC specs:
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23605 on: September 06, 2012, 13:40:00 »

Why is it I get the feeling you don't like that ship....  :doh:

It's not just this one Danny, I don't like any ship!

At least not ones that I work on, I'm seriously considering getting myself a nice job behind a nice desk in a nice office, where when the lights go out it's someone elses problem.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23606 on: September 06, 2012, 14:11:50 »

OR you could find a ship that has a reliable set of machinery?
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23607 on: September 06, 2012, 15:33:56 »

To be honest Danny, the machinery is the least of the worries in running a ship.

As with most things it's all about the people and dealing with a crew of 500+ including a technical department of 55 is the problem rather than a few old engines which get tired and havce a rest from time to time.  Most of the trouble is maintaining discipline onboard and arranging leave schedules to fit in around peoples' own requirements as well as the ship's requirements.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23608 on: September 06, 2012, 15:52:31 »

Hmm a Nice gift from V-step!

RMS Gigantic

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23609 on: September 06, 2012, 19:21:57 »

I was wondering what big thing VSTEP was going to do for the second year anniversary when I saw the email in my in-box! The mention of new free DLC made me quite happy! ;D

Then I noticed that the DLC was only one ship....

Then I noticed that the "new" ship was a reskinned P6....

Then I looked up the REAL Zilvermeeuw and discovered that, while similar, it is NOT 100% identical to the P6....

This add-on strikes me as lazy :-\ What we were given was a reskin of an existing boat, with a set of missions nearly identical to the Greenpeace ships: just replace environmentally wasteful chemicals with illegal Spambot!

The vessel doesn't even come with enough missions to create a campaign out of, and the organization sponsoring it isn't even going to make very much money out of the deal because it's being sold for free and because Ship Simulator is such a niche game that most of the people who want the game already have it.... I hate to say it, but did VSTEP do this to make a fast buck or something?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 19:30:39 by RMS Gigantic »


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23610 on: September 06, 2012, 20:52:40 »

hah! i didnt even have to wait for the image to fully buffer and load on my phone before i could tell it was a re-skinned P6. this is not what i expected for an "anniversary gift"

edit: i actually wish we could sail the white yacht in the picture more than the P6
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 20:55:00 by deltaecho »

RMS Gigantic

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23611 on: September 06, 2012, 21:25:55 »

edit: i actually wish we could sail the white yacht in the picture more than the P6
Agreed. At least the yacht is of a different design than the one we currently have in the game! And at least it has a comparatively interesting walkabout surface on that second deck ::)

I can imagine that the reason that they're giving this DLC out for free is because barely anyone would buy it if they charged money for it.

One would think that an anniversary offer would include a lot more content....

Edit: Come to think of it, the P6 was the only ship that could be reskinned in Ship Simulator 2008. Congratulations! SSE's anniversary gift is something that can be placed into Ship Simulator 2008 with barely any noticeable difference!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 21:32:22 by RMS Gigantic »


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23612 on: September 06, 2012, 22:23:42 »

Vstep? cut corners with a DLC? Don't be silly! they'd never do that...
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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RMS Gigantic

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23613 on: September 06, 2012, 22:28:31 »

Vstep? cut corners with a DLC? Don't be silly! they'd never do that...
Do I sense a hint of sarcasm there? ;D Perhaps a reference to the detailed but inaccessible areas of the MV Oceana? Not to mention the missing door on the boat deck that lets players view the unmodelled interior? :doh:


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23614 on: September 06, 2012, 22:42:09 »

I think the repainted "DLC" P6 is a bit of a joke considering we used to be able to reskin the P6 ourselves.

A REAL gift to those who have bought the game all these years would be to open the ability to add third-party models to it. FlightSim and TrainSim wouldn't be half as popular as they are if the users were restricted to a handful of set models.

ho hum..


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23615 on: September 07, 2012, 00:06:14 »

The Zilvermeeuw DLC was pretty bad. If it wasn't installed automatically, I wouldn't even bother getting it. Here is the real ship:

Now THAT would be nice. My best guess is that Vstep launched this re-paint in an attempt to tide us over until something bigger and better is released. Hopefully one of the projects announced in May will come soon.

But Vstep, come on! A re-painted P6? It would have been better to launch a new update or make an AI ship playable (like Phaedrus or Bangalore).
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Not to sound cliched, but what a long, strange, trip it's been.


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23616 on: September 07, 2012, 03:49:06 »

all very agreeable responses to the DLC, very disappointing on behalf of VSTEP

RMS Gigantic

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23617 on: September 07, 2012, 05:17:36 »

This seems less like an anniversary celebration DLC, and more like one day about a week ago, someone over at VSTEP headquarters decided to check their calender for the first time in 3 months, and yelled out, "Oh, Jeez, guys! The two year anniversary is coming up next week, and we've got nothing!"

At which point someone poked his head out from his cubicle and suggested, "Hey, I keep on seeing a customs boat sailing around in the harbor that kinda-but-not-really looks like our P6! Maybe we can contact them? If we get their permission, it wouldn't take very long to retexture the P6 to look like it! It's like what we let people do in Ship Simulator 2008!"

"Great! You get on that!"

One agreement/sellout later, they got the permission they needed, and one few-hour photoshop job and several-hour mission editor (Seriously, that thing is INCREDIBLY user-unfriendly) session later, our "brand new" DLC was born!


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23618 on: September 07, 2012, 16:14:34 »



The Ferry Man

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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23619 on: September 07, 2012, 16:15:16 »


TFMs Guide to Crossing the Dover Channel (http://forum.shipsim.com/index.php/topic,21107.0.html)


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23620 on: September 07, 2012, 17:38:33 »

The guys spend the whole day painting the bow. It all looks spic and span again!  :thumbs:
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23621 on: September 07, 2012, 17:40:39 »

It's not just this one Danny, I don't like any ship!

At least not ones that I work on, I'm seriously considering getting myself a nice job behind a nice desk in a nice office, where when the lights go out it's someone elses problem.

Come on, you don't want to become a pencil pusher! You can always go back to ships who don't have a cargo that moans and has an opinion!
It's the crew that makes the difference


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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23622 on: September 07, 2012, 18:10:39 »

The guys spend the whole day painting the bow. It all looks spic and span again!  :thumbs:

You missed a spot..
STCW II/1 Unlimited Officer Of the Watch.
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23623 on: September 07, 2012, 18:27:45 »

I didn't  :P
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Re: The Cookie Box MkII - On stranger tides
« Reply #23624 on: September 08, 2012, 11:23:01 »

Hey guys
I knew where the entrance to the Oceana was...
At first i thought it was damage...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 11:27:44 by hansgutana »
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