I've probobly found the worlds most odd looking ship on turbosquid... http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-model-passenger-car-ferry/320561The bow looks OK, but have a look at the stern...
Looked nice when I glanced out of the window briefly, engine room looks about the same as it did in Port Said and Safaga
But in 2013 carnival is coming to Amsterdam..
an inch..... An inch?....AN INCH!!!! AND YOUR SAYING ITS BORING?!? in britian we'd be glad to have half an inch! let alone and inch!
Launching a boat? Let the Russians take care of it! http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/1900941/fe319b5d/ik_heb_een_nieuwe_boot,_voorzichtig_ermee_graag.html?thema=fail(begin at 0:40)
Gab, Are we coming on MP?
Don;t they let you out? xD