Lol, can you believe me and my friends got stopped by police
three times this evening
First of all we were by the round about, and an unmarked police car pulled up along side us and the guy got out and was like " Have you got any eggs in your pockets?" And we're like no!
Then later on a colorful Policia Local car pulled up and they asked us the same thing if we had any eggs.
(Picured below)....
Then if it couldnt get any worse, the Guardia Civil pulled up and asked us the same thing
Although we were making a joke with them, suprisingly they were more cheerful than the policia local!
As pictured below...
If your wondering what the deal with eggs with is, then 2 years ago on halloween. There was a MASSIVE egg throwing fight in the main square and all around the town. Open windows as such got egged. Lots of complaints!
Last year there was no fight but I counted at least 5 undercover cop cars and then loads of marked ones.
If they saw a group of teens they would come to a big stop, and then get out all menacing