Hello everyone!
I would like to annoucne Blue Star Line once again. In this topic, you will find the purpose of Blue Star Line. There are also many fun positions at Blue Star Line, which anyone may take up! To start:
BSL, like any other SS company such as Titan Shipping, Sunset Line, etc, etc, is just a community that is trying to basically make the simulation better for ourselves. The company servers help out with that. Most of our 64 members agree that the simulation is better if it seems like when your on MP, aiming at a certain objective, which is what we do(such as dock the Vermaas at Bassin de Maribeau in Marseille), it almost seems that your serving a purpose, like real ship captains do, whether it be transporting cargo or passengers(ferry/cruise ship). Blue Star Line is just like an ordinary, real life company, but virtual.
We now have many open job positions, that most anyone can take up, except for Moderator and Administrator, every other position is currently open. To list some open positions in our company....
-Event referee's
-Event Organization Comittee
-Vessel Modelers
-Member Attraction Comittee-THIS IS A BIG ONE GUYS
-News Reporters
-Camera Man
-Server Hosts
-Virtual Sailor ExpertPlease join us at:
http://bluestarline.bestoforum.net/ NEW FORUM: http://bluestarline.smfforfree.com/
and to apply for positions:
COMING SOON ON OUR NEW FORUM.We also have a Virtual Sailor Section, so VS enthusiasts are also invited. We would like some Add-on creators for VS, so anyone that has modelling skills, please come on over and join us, and show us what you can do, and i assure you, that you will be appreciated!
We are looking for people to host our servers! Please come on over and help us out if you are capable!
We have a modelling section for BSL now aswell, any program is accepted, if you can model, this is your place to be! If we dont have a section on our forum for your program, please let us know!
Hope to see you soon!