No, we don't transport oil
They share the same name?
How About This Coast Guard Tall Ship? No Picture, Dont Have One.1800 Tons.Steel Hull.Three Masted Sailing Vessel.Only Active U.S. Tall Ship.Has Been Training Future U.S. Coast Guard Officers For Over Half A CenturyAnd despite being 19th century technology,It continues to produce leaders of character for the nation's smallest armed service.
I think it's Stu's turn, but we can go with this one if he doesn't mind..
Oh, He Hates Me Right Now. I Forget Why. XD
Ill Give A Hint...... First Part Of Her NameUSCGC (Blank)
So, Your Saying You Hate Marmite The Marmatian? XD
Nah.....Just Messing With Ya!
Since that criticism also applies to me- and others, can we clarify one point, please?If someone is unable to think of a new question, are we now barred from answering a previous one?
I mean whether or not people are barred from answering if they know that they will not be able to set a new question...I shall go on repeating this- daily then hourly- until you answer the question.