This is just my take on it, but
The reason why I never ever made my little hobby (towing) in any way official was because I thought it would take the "tradition" out of it. Its always really been remembed going back to Marseille (Multiplayer) and I would rather keep it that way, sort of, made a name for myself with towing back then. It was great fun, sadly now, its more of a novelty of the past, My signature, since the amount of servers, server software etc. has spread everyone about, meaning we aren't at one or two servers.
Back then, we'd all be at Marseille server, mainly in the evening, I'd sit along the harbour wall at North entrance and bring the Vermaas's in, there used to be that many players that they would be lined up outside the docks waiting to come in, I remember it well!
Miss it
There always used to be members that would be there every day, like Fox, Rafax etc.
I think the important thing is, you really need to have basis on your company, if your going to make one, as in, it at one time/or does serve a purpose to the community, rather than saying that "I'm going to make a company" Out of the blue. Although, I never took it that far, as like I said above, Its more of a hobby/tradition for me. Ask a few of the members that have been around for a while, and you'll understand more about old Marseille hehe