A great ship, ignore what Aad said!!
woah! she looks a lot like the Leif Ericson from my company, Marine Atlantic! here, look her up:8/10http://images.google.ca/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGIE_enCA295CA296&q=MV+Lief+EricsonKapn Jonah
20/10. I think I will post the QE2 aswell as we celebrate her great life.
....Possibly the Greatest British ship ever built....?I give her a 50/10. Funny how we most appreciate things as they come to end...
Looks like she's just had the barnacles scraped off her.3/10
I've been English for a lot longer than you have! I am entitled to insult Lizzie when I feel the need. The only reason she is Queen is that my ancestors were out of the country when hers took over. Otherwise I'd be Queen of England.
I think you misunderstand. I have been English a lot longer than you have.I'm not fighting, just teasing. "Humour" is the expression. Yes, I would be Queen. Which would surprise the kids no end.
Yeah = D BergensFjord was built on Fosen mek. verksted/ Fosen yards in 1993. Leif Ericson was also built there in 1991? Right?