Well, a ship-sim is all about water isn't it? So i guess it would be great to have a little more realistic waves in SS2010. Maby an inbetween of the pro version and the one implemented in ss2008? I don't need too fancy of landscape, even if it's really nice, but i also like to have real looking oceans out there. So I really hope V-Step made a little progress there. And, it would be cheaper to have the same engine in pro and the game version, because you don't have to developt to seperate engines then. If i see the oceans coming out of my maya unlimited, they look very real and could be calculated very fast, maby it's possible to bring in something like that in the game...
Hope there will be some detailinformatinos about SS2010 soon. That quick shot of the sherpa in the storm looks like they've done something to the waves, but it was not long enough to proof that.