If you did not already know. I am leaving for 2 weeks tommorow. My longest vacation EVER. So I will have limited time, although I am staying at my aunt's with free wireless internet and our D.C. hotel has internet also. Both my mom and I are taking our laptops so I will be able to come on and look. But I am going to have 2 young cousins (2 years old, 2 month old) and an older 16 Y/O that wants me to play 'rockband' with her.
Anyway I will check now and then but I probably won't post much. I hear I get to sleep on a blow-up bed.
And I get to drive a boat.
Aslong as my cat is ok then I am happy. She is 'kinda' eating and bathing now. Aslong as she dosn't die while I am gone.
I am taking 3GB of storage for images. That is about 600 photos for you. Then I will upload them all to flickr when I get home, or while I am on the train to D.C. and have time.