Hello bosio11,
Sorry for coming so late, there are indeed so few questions now that I can answer.
The Settings.xml file in your ...\Documents\ShipSimExtremes Userdata\Profiles\YourProfileName folder contains the mapping of the keys in plain text format. The first line name is "ControlSettings", at around the 57828th line. Unfortunately, the InputLabels of the keys refer to ActionID numbers, of which you can find the default assignment in a different file,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Vstep\ShipSimExtremes\Projects\ShipSimExtremes\Data\KeyMapper\DefaultActions.xml
This file corresponds to the key groups of the ShipSim Extremes options, with -1 serving as a void placeholder.
Modifying this file with notepad to avoid inserting unwanted formatting characters, after having backuped the file, should solve your issue.
Good luck, don't forget to backup (a copy should do the job) prior any modification.
Also, I should have added that the InputColumn number, 0 or 1, refers to the primary or secondary assignment of the key, and that the default values will not be made active unless you go back to default values in the options menu. If the changes concern only a small number of keys, you should modify both files according to your wishes, and of course, don't forget to backup.