I don't understand the following on the Winner when you look the control panel in the outside vieuw , the maximum RPM is 155. When you look on the inside vieuw of the bridge you can see 1200 RPM.
The RPM of a motor for a ship like the Winner is normally between 110 and 120 RPM.
My last ship was the "Mineral Seraing" with the following specifications:
33023 blt 1965 Cockerill Yards SA, Hoboken (819) L 29.6.1965 del 10.9.1965
17778 n 57775 dwt
229,67 x 32,16 x 12,402 x 16,44 m
Oil 2 SA 8 cyl 900 x 1550 mm Sulzer 17600 BHP (12946 kW) 120 RPM. speed 15,5 kn
Somebody can explain me what did I miss?