Those are just two pictures but I thought I should explain what's good and what's not good about both simulators.
1. Graphics: To me, the obvious winner here is SH5. You can't beat the Graphics in any game. Bow wake, Stern wake. Bow spray, stern spray. The environment it's almost magical is what it is. The way the U-Boat and other ships re-act to bad weather and storms. The way the sun sets and rises and the storms that are so very realistic. It all amazes me. Completely. SSE.... that's a different story. I can run graphics on SH5 with all high settings on 20-25 and SSE on High. 10-15 and medium is only 15-17. C'mon. Someone needs to work that out. But they are all right all in all. The trees could be a little more realistic and same with the bow splashes. In my opinion SSE had some false promises with the whole water graphic thing. You can see some of that featured in the "Spoof" Youtube trailer and in some interviews at E3. Graphics for SH5 10/10 - SSE 6/10
2. Bugs: Now here's where we do the big ol' switcharoo here. Now. When SH5 was released it was so filled with bugs it was just terrible. The DRM affected it big time and made long time members of the game completely throw it right in the trash. There is a list of a hundred or more bugs of JUST THE UBOAT, when it was released. A couple very important ones are of these. 1. Propellers won't turn. 2. Torpedo's propellers don't move. 3. Torpedo's that don't have wakes have wakes. 4. Ships collide and blow up out of nowhere. 5. Islands in the map that you hit that aren't listed.... and the list goes on and on. And another big thing is that Ubisoft dropped support for it... for now at least. And there's only been two patches and they have hardly fixed any problems. So now we are all waiting for a third patch which would hopefully be the final one. The bugs for SSE are minor and are some that include just a few minor things. At least I think. Mostly that occur on startup. Bugs for SH5 2/10 -Bugs for SSE 7/10
3. Community: Now. I know for a fact that the community for SH5 is huge! Probably one of the largest communities our there dedicated to making the game better and better so it is actually worth playing. But where is the community for SSE or SS08? Is there even one? Is there any add-ons besides ones that the creators of the game make? Because I'm not seeing them. And it seems that the community is more just dedicated to this one forum than any other ones. Community for SH5 10/10 - Community for SSE/SS08/SS06/SS 4/10
4. Support: Now here's where we switch things up again. I believe SSE'S support is amazing. The people at Vstep and Paradox would actually think twice before stopping support for a game. Not like the people over at Ubisoft who just drop things because they don't have time for it anymore. So I applaud you for making a game that you will strive to make it better and better until we are all happy with the final result! Congrats Vstep and Paradox! Congrats. Support for SH5 2/10 - Support for SSE 10/10
Now feel free to voice your own opinion! I'm sure we would love to hear it.