Have you bought Ship Simulator Extreme, after the release date but before 11 October(2010), so is it your legal right to have the Vessel Sigita and the missions belonging to that vessel, according to most western countries.
If you click on what is included in the game so will you see that it is written pre-ordered vessel Sigita and some missions, before 11 october so was there no "*", which say that was if you preordered the game before the release day. But if you bought the game before 11 october, so were there no asterix with this extra information. So everyone who bought the game at this time should send Vstep a mail and kindly tell them to include what is your legal right to have. Vstep can according to most countries laws not say no to this, they may will try.
If they still not will give you the vessel and mission so do I suggest everyone to go to your police office and fill in a report. And Vstep will be taken to court. But I suppose it will be easier for Vstep to give this persons the Vessel and missions directly, instead of going to court where they will lose anyway.
So everyone who have bought this game in this period, you have your rights, fight for them. And I am a witness for anyone who need it. Cause I do like very little companies who are not giving their customers what they have right to.
I also hope that Vstep think a bit of their reputation. Cause this will quickly be spread all over the world, thanks to internet.