I really haven't had much sea experience, so i guess I'm a landlubber!
Well... I did go to a Maritime School in the port and was sailing an Optimist (Blimmin awful boats if you ask me, I capsized twice, one wasnt my fault though, a speedboat was towing me and I capsized!).
And another one I sailed was called a Laser which was slightly bigger:
I eventually gave up sailing when it was a stormy day, waves were very high, raining and there was me away from the rest of the group, sat right in the middle of the bay with water constantly coming in from an unknown hole! (By then I already had a headache from where the mast constantly bashed me in the head when I wasnt ready! That's when I thought to myself "Matthew, what the hec are you doing this for!, Sailing isn't for me!" Since then I only ever touch boats with engines! Lets just say from there I decided to go back into port from the bay, without oars and no wind, so the only effective way I could think of was moving the rudder in a fast motion which did eventually get me home! Luckily i had my little bucket attached to a rope in the boat, unlike someone else of whom I saw his bucket fall from his boat! I actually saw a few things fall into the sea from the boats!
As seen in the map below, it may seem small but It's really big! I was about where the blue marker was and that cluster of pink markers was the marina. Lol
Saying that, I did continue windsurfing, I got a hang of that, except one day it was windy and I went into the side of a really fancy yacht! :S
Apart from that, I sounded a cruise ships horn three times leaving Barcelona, so I suppose that's something!
EDIT: From this video you can see what it's like sailing an Optimist:
And like me, this is how you capsize an optimist: