The small kitchen in which you work doesn't have a crew numbering in the thousands.
The truth is that there are no guarantees, but what they will be doing is making sure that all of the old cargo is off, before the new stuff arrives to stop cross contamination that way, getting everyone (possibly including shoreside contractors) to completely disinfect all public areas, increasing sanitation controls (don't be surprised to see disposable paper plates at buffets), isolating anyone who has norovirus symptoms, increasing the chlorine content of the water slightly (your tea may taste a little funny).
Things that you can do to help while you are onboard are, wash your hands regularly and use the hand sanitisers which will be outside every public space (you will probably find that there are people making sure that you do), be really careful to cover your mouth and nose if you cough / sneeze, ALWAYS use the tongs provided at the buffet, report any instances of vomiting and diarrhoea immediately and if you do manage to catch it, follow the medical staff's advice exactly.
Enjoy your cruise and don't worry.
hi all..
Ryndam has just had its 4th Norovirus in a row and I'm on the next cruise this Saturday. They say they're doing an "extended deep clean" but will this happen considering they only have 12 hours and it can take 5hours to do the small commercial kitchen I work in.
What are the chance of another or am I being paranoid?