Heard something very interesting on the radio station Heart Dorset this morning, Condor Ferries will be mooring the Condor Express at Poole quay all day after 3pm for visitors to go aboard and have a look around the ship and even the bridge to meet the captain!
You can then book a half price trip to Channel Islands. Admission is FREE!
Shame I don't live in Poole anymore but if anyone is interested well know they know!
Condor Express will be moored at Poole Quay from 3pm where visitors will be able to take a tour of the fast ferry, visit the Bridge, meet the Captain and take part in a quiz for a chance to win a family holiday to Jersey!
Onboard, representatives from Visit Guernsey, Jersey and St Malo tourism will be providing information about the destinations and competitions, alongside fragrance, beauty and confectionery samples from Condor Ferries Duty Free Shop. Visitors will also have the opportunity to book a half price day trip from Poole to the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey.
Admission is free, all donations received will go to Poole Sailability.
MAP HERE: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=poole+quay&hl=en&ll=50.712188,-1.986927&spn=0.005027,0.016512&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=51.04407,135.263672&hq=poole+quay&radius=15000&t=h&z=17