I have a strange problem with night graphics. I'm in Southampton at night (the mission with the cruiseliner) but the graphics is really bad. The strange thing is that when loading (I have saved the game) the graphics looks great for 5 seconds. The moonlight looks beautifull on the water and then all the nice night-lighting goes away and the enviroment looks like a crappy Flight simulator from 1995.
I have installed the latest version of my video drivers (GeForce 9600GT).
My system spec. is:
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Version 6.1.7600 build 7600
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+, 2400 Mhz
3,00 GB RAM
Any suggestions?
By the way, why isnt there any nice lighting on the cruiseliner? In real life they look like a sparkling diamond at night... In SSE they look like a dead party