The handling didnt change much from ShipSim2006, indeed. I also tried to stop the tanker Latitude from full ahead and reversing, and without steering or autopilot (
). The ship stayed remarkably well on course, showing that there is no transverse thrust screw effect, and also no delays to stop the shaft and/or to reverse the screw rotation (engine?, pitch?, steam?).
But the lack of effectiveness of the rudder when the screw is stopped is somewhat
disturbing, as is the difficulty to use both rudders of Pride of Rotterdam. Not to speak of
the Red Eagle backwards handling?
A lesser regret is the Union Jack at the stern of Red Jet, instead of (what now?
Red Ensign?).
is a ship's parameters editor being prepared, together or after the mission editor?
Anyway, it was worth
the waiting, although I didnt see many improvements in the manoeuvring characteristics.