Ship Simulator

English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: Agent|Austin on April 14, 2008, 09:48:27

Title: Real Ships
Post by: Agent|Austin on April 14, 2008, 09:48:27
Post if you have more. :)


Bugsier 2:

RPA 12:

Red Eagle:

Red Jet 4:

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Baines on April 14, 2008, 18:12:33
For the B2 where else than ?

They have nice 360 degrees photos of the Bugsier 3 too.  :)

And since it's identical (at least in specs) to the B2 that should give a very good impression of the B2. They also have a photo gallery and spec sheets on PDF of all vessels in their fleet. Even with all the telephone and other communication details. But I don't think the captain of the B2 would appreciate it if we would all give him a call.  ::)

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Quaysider on April 14, 2008, 18:14:51
Pride of Rotterdam arriving at Hull 08/01/05 late due to severe storm force winds
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: ferryenthusiast on April 14, 2008, 19:11:01
I have a number of pictures, mainly onboard pictures taken this year of the Pride of Rotterdam and her sistership Pride of Hull.  Deck Plans are also available.

Pride of Rotterdam Information (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on April 14, 2008, 19:50:15
Is this The taxiboat (

and Freedom 90 (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Agent|Austin on April 14, 2008, 19:55:26
Is this The taxiboat (

and Freedom 90 (

Looks like it. :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 15, 2008, 12:18:26
Agile Solution:

More foto's of the deo volente in this post:,3884.0.html
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 17, 2008, 21:40:23
Ocean star:

In real life the 'Carnival Pride'
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 17, 2008, 21:56:35
Arie Visser
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 17, 2008, 22:01:12
And offcourse the 'P6' of the Rotterdam harbour police.

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 17, 2008, 22:06:29
And last but not least the 'Northern Star' a.k.a. 'Nordkap'
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 18, 2008, 14:24:44
Just found the 'Pershing 50' yacht on the web. Looks a lot like the 'Marbella Delight' from Ship Sim. What dou you guys think?  ::)

Edit: typo
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on April 18, 2008, 14:27:12
Just found the 'Pershing 50' yacht on the web. Looks a lot like the 'Marbella Delight' from Ship Sim. What dou you guys think?  ::)

Edit: typo
so pitty that the Spambot on 1.pict wasnt in the game ;D ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: [RWP]DJM on April 18, 2008, 14:27:51
Just found the 'Pershing 50' yacht on the web. Looks a lot like the 'Marbella Delight' from Ship Sim. What dou you guys think?  ::)

Edit: typo

The design looks similar, just different livery ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 18, 2008, 14:28:18
I agree! maybe an idea for an upcomming patch?  ;) :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: [RWP]DJM on April 18, 2008, 14:28:49
Hehe :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on April 18, 2008, 14:30:14
Hehe :D
hehe ;D.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 18, 2008, 14:31:07
The design looks similar, just different livery ;)

Livery? If you mean the bed at the back of the yacht, that's because I've mirrored the picture to match the direction of the screenshot for comparrison *if spelled correctly  :-\*.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: [RWP]DJM on April 18, 2008, 14:32:13
I was referring more to the stripe down the side ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 18, 2008, 14:33:15
Okay, guess you're right then  :)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: [RWP]DJM on April 18, 2008, 14:34:10
Maybe not, it could just be a fake "go faster" stripe ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Sam on April 19, 2008, 10:34:27
Well, a stripe down the side is only a different in paint.

It is highly possible that there is a Pershing yacht without the stripe.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on April 19, 2008, 11:05:29
Well, a stripe down the side is only a different in paint.

It is highly possible that there is a Pershing yacht without the stripe.
Could be although I can't find any on the internet so fast. Isn't it possible that the developers wanted to built in some differences to prevent making it exactly identical for copyright reasons or something like that  ???
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: soap boy on July 02, 2008, 00:31:26
An alasken crab fishing boat being added soon deadliest catches cornelia marie  (sry no photo
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Minime on July 02, 2008, 13:42:27
The boat is NOT for Shipsim.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: pauljanaway1 on July 02, 2008, 15:39:50

and the eric raude
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Ship Sim on July 02, 2008, 17:57:08
Some one has no water. :D Now somebody needs to find a pic of the Powerboat, Containership and tanker. Or something that looks like them. ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Quaysider on July 07, 2008, 13:19:08
Guess where I was yesterday??  ;D ;D

One that's in the game and one that soon maybe...

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 07, 2008, 13:21:11
Guess where I was yesterday??  ;D ;D

One that's in the game and one that soon maybe...

you was i netherlands`? nice pictures. Elbe Was nice :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 07, 2008, 13:36:46
From the page before:
An alasken crab fishing boat being added soon deadliest catches cornelia marie  (sry no photo
The boat is NOT for Shipsim.

I will let you know Minime that Soap Boy is right :P

I'm currently working on the "Corneilia Marie" in True Space 5 ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 07, 2008, 13:44:52
Oh ya have a Furie too. ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 07, 2008, 13:57:34
Bugsier 2
Red Jet 4
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 07, 2008, 14:34:47
Hi guys,

some nice pics here !

Now ... I'd be intereted if you had some pics of inside the bridges of all those ships !!

Beside of this, here are some pics of a home made Pride of Hull ... fantastic work ! (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 07, 2008, 14:37:08
Well. hte titanic's bridge ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: mvsmith on July 07, 2008, 14:44:36
That looks more like the Olympic bridge.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 07, 2008, 14:49:45
That looks more like the Olympic bridge.
why does it look like olympic?
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 07, 2008, 14:53:28
why does it look like olympic?

it's specified on the website where this picture comes from : (

"The photograph on the right, taken by Father Browne of the Olympic, shows the array of instruments on the Captain’s Bridge."
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 07, 2008, 15:51:43
it's specified on the website where this picture comes from : (

"The photograph on the right, taken by Father Browne of the Olympic, shows the array of instruments on the Captain’s Bridge."
ups. my fault :-[
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 07, 2008, 15:55:26
ups. my fault :-[

no prob :-))
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Capt. Le Velle on July 07, 2008, 19:22:44
I precinct to you....... Red Jet 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 07, 2008, 20:53:34
I have 1001 New York Water Taxis from Ship Simulator 2006. :-\ ;)

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: agibbs98 on July 07, 2008, 21:06:49

a differant view of the Red Eagle, i think its the Red Eagle in game, might be the Falcon. Not sure, but Eagle and Falcon are the same. Only Red Osprey is differant  ;D

P.S. My cars second from the back and on  the left  :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: pauljanaway1 on July 07, 2008, 21:08:08
no the red egele is ingame so you where right
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: agibbs98 on July 07, 2008, 21:09:52
Hi Dennis,

i must say, those pictures are truly impressive.  :o Some real good craftmenship there, was it you that made them?


Hi guys,

some nice pics here !

Now ... I'd be intereted if you had some pics of inside the bridges of all those ships !!

Beside of this, here are some pics of a home made Pride of Hull ... fantastic work ! (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: agibbs98 on July 07, 2008, 21:10:31
Ok thanks  :)

no the red egele is ingame so you where right
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: agibbs98 on July 07, 2008, 21:17:26
Another one, i think this also passes off as an optical illusion, you see, as you look at the picture, after about 20 seconds you notice Red Jet 4 is there as well  :o
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 07, 2008, 21:17:54
I found one that looks EXACTLY like the SS06 mega-yacht only SHRUNK

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 07, 2008, 21:19:38
Another one, i think this also passes off as an optical illusion, you see, as you look at the picture, after about 20 seconds you notice Red Jet 4 is there as well  :o

Do you know where that is ???... I like to follow the Queen Mary Two ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: pauljanaway1 on July 07, 2008, 21:25:30
at a guess i would say somwere between cowes and south hampton
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: agibbs98 on July 07, 2008, 21:30:52
Hello llamalord,

i'm sorry, this picture is off google, i typed in Red Jet 4 and this is on the 2nd or 3rd page, i know 100% its in Southampton on the picture. But luckily i have this source for you, you can usually find out where the Queens are in the world at this exact moment: ( Just select the ship you want, by clicking her picture and then in the text there is a small light green box saying 'Learn more about Queen Mary 2' Click on webcam and it tells you where shes heading, the time and a live (or nearly live) shot from her bridge webcam!  :D

Goodluck on your QM2 search,


Do you know where that is ???... I like to follow the Queen Mary Two ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on July 09, 2008, 00:30:39
Ocean Star
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: trains on July 09, 2008, 00:35:08
Titanic at dock.

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 09, 2008, 05:16:19
I'm guessing that you didn't take that picture, Trains :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on July 09, 2008, 05:50:58
I'm guessing that you didn't take that picture, Trains :D
How do you know he could have time travled
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Ship Sim on July 09, 2008, 05:54:41
2008 potography stuff in 1912. I like the Idea. ;) Actual color photos of Titanic. :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on July 09, 2008, 07:07:22
Pride of Rotterdam

In Rotterdam.......
( (

In Hull..... (With my Car  :D )
( (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: JHB on July 09, 2008, 08:00:53
Nice car and ferry there ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 09, 2008, 08:04:41
Driving next to that must feel an auful lot like walking next to the Saturn V rocket


Or the engine! :D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Quaysider on July 09, 2008, 12:26:49
Pride of Rotterdam approaching Spurn Point outward 05/07/08
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 09, 2008, 15:02:41
Agile Soulation?
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 09, 2008, 15:11:27
Agile Soulation?

Not really ! Here's the original Agile solution (real name Deo Volente) :


more pics thanks to : (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 09, 2008, 15:36:41
I just found tons of pics of the Deo Volente (real life name of the Agile Solution in Ship Sim 2008) !

Inside, outside, bridge, engine room, in dry docks, with various loadings ...

A very nice URL, even if I can't understand any word on this forum :-) (

a few examples :

Dry Docks :

Loading some Red Jets :

various loadings :



The Bridge :





The Engine Room :


Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 09, 2008, 15:43:42
I thought the Red Volvo engine in my boat was pretty. ;)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on July 09, 2008, 15:47:18
Nice car and ferry there ;D

haha, thanks  ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 09, 2008, 15:47:32
I thought the Red Volvo engine in my boat was pretty. ;)

Just paint it blue :)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Capt. Le Velle on July 10, 2008, 03:29:40
i would love to be that capt of that
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on July 10, 2008, 06:33:14
More Pride of Rotterdam pics:

"The Rotterdam Suite" - Best cabin on the ship  ;D

*Double shower
*2 Bathrooms
*1 Bow view window and one side window
*TV and Minibar

( (
It was so damn big i couldnn't get it into 1 photo  ::)

...And it was only upgraded from a standard 2 berth cabin for £50

( (

Swinging out of the Beneluxhaven
( (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on July 10, 2008, 06:35:47
so cool can up post a pic of top deck and the bridge
More Pride of Rotterdam pics:

"The Rotterdam Suite" - Best cabin on the ship  ;D

*Double shower
*2 Bathrooms
*1 Bow view window and one side window
*TV and Minibar

( (
It was so damn big i couldnn't get it into 1 photo  ::)

...And it was only upgraded from a standard 2 berth cabin for £50

( (

Swinging out of the Beneluxhaven
( (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on July 10, 2008, 06:42:33
Sure, here you go

Top Deck
( (

Bridge is not possible, you can't get up there because of the security
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 10, 2008, 10:42:00
good picture's Nathan

But Denis. This Picture looks so like in Bergen with a tide ships

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 15, 2008, 22:01:16
I think it's close enough. :P
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain Best on July 16, 2008, 08:58:03
good picture's Nathan

But Denis. This Picture looks so like in Bergen with a tide ships

yes. this must be bergen in Norway,because i can see on the houses and mountions. and the ship is very like they on bergen.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Denis on July 16, 2008, 09:09:02

But Denis. This Picture looks so like in Bergen with a tide ships

That's quite possible, I don't have any information about where those pictures were taken !
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: thegodon on July 30, 2008, 17:06:56
so cool can up post a pic of top deck and the bridge

There are some photo's of the engine room and bridge of the POR, which are located here:,com_expose/Itemid,26/ (,com_expose/Itemid,26/) click on 'Techniek' and then ofcourse on 'Pride of Rotterdam'. The photo's of the bridge starts at #27. I do hope this is what you were looking for.

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on July 30, 2008, 18:35:50
There are some photo's of the engine room and bridge of the POR, which are located here:,com_expose/Itemid,26/ (,com_expose/Itemid,26/) click on 'Techniek' and then ofcourse on 'Pride of Rotterdam'. The photo's of the bridge starts at #27. I do hope this is what you were looking for.


Thanks for that, really interesting  ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 30, 2008, 19:31:53
Nice console. ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on July 30, 2008, 21:55:23
Nice console. ;D

haha, love the wood finish to the wheel and window surrounds  ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Capt. Le Velle on July 30, 2008, 22:19:09
i like i like alot
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on July 31, 2008, 00:17:20
My boat is shinier but, ::)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on August 02, 2008, 17:39:13
More of the Pride of Rotterdam (Just uploading video of the Hull departure)

EDIT: Here it is:

Pride of Rotterdam - Tour around the ship

Pride of Rotterdam Top Deck
( (

Me on the stern of the PoR. The platform just next to me over the fence is missing in the game. This is as low as passengers can get outside. In the background, you can see a gate blocking the stairs going down to the lifeboats.
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: agibbs98 on August 15, 2008, 23:52:07
Nice pictures Nathan, i would be much happier in that room than on some Cruise Liners  :D

A bed, a fridge (complete with beer) and some windows, what more could you want?!  :D

Best regards

More Pride of Rotterdam pics:

"The Rotterdam Suite" - Best cabin on the ship  ;D

*Double shower
*2 Bathrooms
*1 Bow view window and one side window
*TV and Minibar

( (
It was so damn big i couldnn't get it into 1 photo  ::)

...And it was only upgraded from a standard 2 berth cabin for £50

( (

Swinging out of the Beneluxhaven
( (
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: NathanC on August 16, 2008, 07:34:03
It was cheap too, we were in the standard 2 bed cabin, and upgraded to the best room on the ship for £50!

I'm going on the PoH and PoR again in September, i'll be visiting the bridge of the Pride of Hull, i'll take some pics  :)
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: chris13 on August 16, 2008, 09:59:44
Hello everyone,  ;)

There are many beautiful photos especially "Agile solution" but I have observed that the bridge is not the same!!
And it is nice to see the boats from ship simulator in true!!

A +

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: maritiem on August 17, 2008, 10:59:34
the yacht from SS 06

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on August 17, 2008, 14:49:40
WOW!!! :o

I thought V-STEP just made up that yacht. ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: maritiem on August 17, 2008, 15:17:31
WOW!!! :o

I thought V-STEP just made up that yacht. ;D

haha LOL, i hope we will get a medium-sized cruising vessel in the game someday. (like the easycruiseOne)
BTW do you have any updates of your dredger?

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: llamalord on August 17, 2008, 16:45:39
I have been working on some other projects recently but I might have some Virtual Sailor beta downloads soon. ;D
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: maritiem on August 17, 2008, 18:17:42
I have been working on some other projects recently but I might have some Virtual Sailor beta downloads soon. ;D

what kind of ship did you made can you send some pics of each one?

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Busbestuurder on February 01, 2013, 12:48:29
Yesterday i got the RPA 13 in front of my camera lens. I said to my colleague who was with me (also an SSE player) Look it's the brother of the RPA12 haha

photo of the RPA13 can be found here:
Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: michael_taal on February 01, 2013, 21:12:45
I think I have found the real Sigita she is called GO-31 Morgenster

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: VirtualSkipper on February 01, 2013, 22:17:19
The Pride of Rotterdam in Rotterdam during the Wereldhavendagen 2011 (World Port Days)

Title: Re: Real Ships
Post by: Captain_Norway on February 02, 2013, 08:57:07
Loading some Red Jets :

Nice pic, missing them a lot and missing HSD a lot this is on Dokken, Bergen whene Baronen and Tedno is loading on  :)