Ship Simulator

English forum => Small talk => The Chat Lounge => Topic started by: Third Mate on January 09, 2011, 05:27:51

Title: Eurocopter AS332 L2 Super Puma (FSX)
Post by: Third Mate on January 09, 2011, 05:27:51
Yesterday I watched an episode on the show, Air Crash Investigators and I saw a  AS332 go down into the ocean. I really liked, the aircraft I mean. I had this Idea of getting it for FSX, but I keep hearing soo many bad things about it. The developers are NEMETH and it looks like how they coded the helicopter, many people are having trouble starting the engines. I can't believe they ruined this helicopter. Dose anyone have it? if so did you manage to get it moving?
Title: Re: Eurocopter AS332 L2 Super Puma (FSX)
Post by: oceandream on January 09, 2011, 15:08:42
I HAD the Nemther AS332 b4
It was a nice Chopper, I never really had probles with the statup sequence
it did not work anymore when i buyed a new computer :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Eurocopter AS332 L2 Super Puma (FSX)
Post by: Third Mate on January 10, 2011, 04:24:11
I HAD the Nemther AS332 b4
It was a nice Chopper, I never really had probles with the statup sequence
it did not work anymore when i buyed a new computer :'( :'( :'(

This is really weird, I was gonna put this topic on the Nemeth Forums, but the last guy who did it almost got banned, that's how angry he was. I even watched at quick start video posted on youtube, and I was still not convinced. Some say you need FSX Acceleration to make it work, but I have that already.There is an alternetive model of this helicopter, it's freeware but it dose not look as good as nemeth, however this model actually works. Maybe what you could do is after getting the nemeth version of the AS332 if you are good at coding, you could modify parts from the AS332 with the freeware version.But probably wont do any good....ugh.....I wish there was another payware version of this helicopter by another company