Ship Simulator

English forum => Small talk => The Chat Lounge => Topic started by: Matthew Brown on October 24, 2010, 10:09:42

Title: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Matthew Brown on October 24, 2010, 10:09:42

I hope this is the right place to post this topic, all these new places as such!

Anyway, last night at a charity benefit in LA, Sea Shepherd revealed their new ship which will go down to Antarctica with the Bob Barker & Steve Irwin.
It is a 115ft monohull trimaran formally called the Ocean Adventurer.
It managed a world record circumnavigation of the world at 74 days 20 hours and 58 minutes.

"The vessel can sleep 14 and has all amenities to make it comfortable; Airconditioning, watermaker, fridge/freezer, TV/DVD, full equipped galley, 2x toilets/showers etc.

On the around the world run the chart table area was set up as a complete video/editing station. All electrical connections/cabling are still in place for any production needs. The vessel runs with 24 hour 220volt supply.

The vessel has been used as a successful fishing/diving platform. The aft deck has enough space/pulleys etc. to make it adaptable for a variety of applications. The vessel has a 8 man tender with 40hp outboard.

Due to the vessels unique design it is a fast, very stable exploration vessel, allowing you to travel vast areas in comfort. The wave piercing design ensures a smoother ride through rougher weather."


Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on October 24, 2010, 10:32:53
Looks very nice.. Let's hope she lasts longer than the Ady Gil .. ;)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: TJK on October 24, 2010, 10:38:53
With this sailors skills thay have?  well lets hope they are lucky then and maybe learned something ::) but they can go back to school and learn some sailors behave do :doh:
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on October 24, 2010, 11:14:15
To be honest, the skipper of the Ady Gil was a bit of a tornado-head.. ;)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: larsdehaan on October 24, 2010, 13:22:04
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Cat320DL on October 24, 2010, 22:00:24
That's nice boat. :thumbs:

Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Kevinmcg_ships on October 24, 2010, 22:03:31
Well, I hope this one last longer than the other one.....  ::)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Kevinmcg_ships on October 24, 2010, 22:04:39
Looks very nice.. Let's hope she lasts longer than the Ady Gil .. ;)

lol, great minds think alike  ;)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: michael_taal on October 25, 2010, 17:36:35
that thing is really cool (and much longer than the ady-gil)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: michael_taal on October 25, 2010, 19:41:59
wel yesterday i have seen the whale wars on discovery and you see that the ady-gil is not moving and the shonan-maru n.2 is moving to her it was first moving to the bob barker end then its changed course to the ady-gil
here you can see it
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Capt. Matt on November 01, 2010, 00:49:40
I think the whole Ady Gil thing was a scam, without getting into that I like the new vessel much more! What speeds does she run at?
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: cptnchris on November 01, 2010, 04:18:16
Yeah Ady-Gil, eh whatever  :doh:
 Cool new ship I must say, But what are they ever going to use it for  ??? Kinda seems like a big advertisement perhaps. Only thing I can think of is to use it to scout out the Whaling Fleet... Gah! My mind is going off topic about whaling now haha  :doh:

Well congragulations Sea Shephard. Treat her well..  :thumbs:
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 01, 2010, 13:52:17
Unfortunately... The Steve Irwin will be leaving it's helicopter the Hughes 300 behind in Los Angeles for a major over haul.
This is it:



They now have a brand new helicopter! A Hughes 500  :2thumbs: ;D
This one is radical!:

So Operation No Compromise in the Antarctic, will consist of the following:
Steve Irwin
Bob Barker
Hughes 500
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Mad_Fred on November 01, 2010, 16:38:39
You posted the same youtube link twice, mate.. I reckon that second one was meant to be the new one?

Btw, a hughes 500 isn't all that radical really. But it makes a really nice update from their old one for sure.  :P   :thumbs:
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 01, 2010, 16:41:54
Whoops! Thanks  :)

And yes when I mean radical.
It isn't a little fly with a weird tail  :doh:
It's more like a helicopter  :thumbs:

And if I'm not mistaken... It is the same type as the one in SSE!
That is a MD500 and was developed from the Hughes 500! :D
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: cptnchris on November 01, 2010, 22:52:47
"It isn't a little fly with a weird tail"
  That is a good description indeed  :2thumbs:
Sea Shepherd must be getting alot of $$$ from the TV show :o new ship, new helicopter too !!
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Mad_Fred on November 02, 2010, 08:21:18
Whoops! Thanks  :)

And yes when I mean radical.
It isn't a little fly with a weird tail  :doh:
It's more like a helicopter  :thumbs:

And if I'm not mistaken... It is the same type as the one in SSE!
That is a MD500 and was developed from the Hughes 500! :D

Hehe, no problem!

Yeah, I always like the 500.. good looking machine. I like the older ones a bit better, before they got the somewhat more pointy nose.  :)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 02, 2010, 16:21:49
"It isn't a little fly with a weird tail"
  That is a good description indeed  :2thumbs:
Sea Shepherd must be getting alot of $$$ from the TV show :o new ship, new helicopter too !!

Well, when you look at it from another point of view.
Greenpeace are also spending out on a brand new 23 Million Dollar ship  :o built from scratch!!
They must be the ones getting serious $$$  :doh: :lol:

Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on November 02, 2010, 16:33:15
Here's a bit more info on the Ocean 7 Adventurer..
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 02, 2010, 19:31:24
The Bob Barker has just finnished under going sea trials ready for "Operation No Compromise, Antarctica 2010-2011"  :thumbs:

Here is a cool video from the sea trials!...

If anyone knows if Greenpeace will be sending any ships to Antarctica this year, please post some info here  :)
As so far I haven't seen anything.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on November 02, 2010, 20:07:03
A blog from the pilot of Greenpeace's former Hugh 500, affectionately called "Tweety"..
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: bbydino05 on December 02, 2010, 22:42:05
Awe Shes crashed wow Poor Tweety, I cant believe they sold it and its now gone
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Pinguinboy on December 21, 2010, 19:56:26
Awe Shes crashed wow Poor Tweety, I cant believe they sold it and its now gone

I wonder how much they would get from that crashed thing. :doh:
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: John1000 on December 21, 2010, 22:13:34
I think the whole Ady Gil thing was a scam, without getting into that I like the new vessel much more! What speeds does she run at?
she used to be only able to pull 24kn! but now after she got refitted with new props and engines she can hit 35kn+

for all of those that support seasheperd this is a link to their forum where i get all my info.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Second Mate on August 14, 2012, 23:12:03

Thats not cool..................  thats SPARTA!!!!!    or maintaining the dark ages of merchantment

Captain Jack (without the sparrow)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: michael_taal on September 11, 2012, 21:10:47
I want to see the new ship the Sam Simon,
the whaling season is coming closer so it wont take ong anymore I think (and I hope so)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: cptnchris on September 30, 2012, 05:26:10
I too want to see it. But for now I shall assume this is what it will be:


 ;)  :lol:
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: USSampson on November 02, 2012, 06:33:05
I google the name and nothing comes up i wonder what she'll look like i hope its not another catermeran they are really ugly and they should learn by now that they aren't meant for antarctica


Well shes the ship on the right
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on December 21, 2012, 01:12:13
Here's a foto.. :)


Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: STORMM_29 on December 22, 2012, 02:00:10
GO Sea Shepherd
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Kevinmcg_ships on December 22, 2012, 10:28:47
"The vessel itself was built in 1993 by IHI shipyard in Tokyo and was formerly used as a research ship by the Japanese Government"  :doh:

Haha nice one, SSCS!  :2thumbs:
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Stuart2007 on December 22, 2012, 15:45:34
Oh dear. More dangerous lunatics on the open sea. I wonder how long before they manage to get this one impounded/sunk/wrecked.

As much as I do not approve of whaling, these people do the ecological organisations around the world no good with their quite frankly bloody dangerous and illegal antics.

Remember that the Captain of an ocean going vessel is allowed by internationally recognised law to take whatever means is necessary- including the use of leathal force- to defend his ship, cargo, crew and passengers. And if that includes ramming these idiots and sending them to meet the general belgrano, then so be it.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on December 22, 2012, 18:12:00
To avoid a discussion and staying on topic, here's a video of the Sam Simon..  ;)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: clanky on December 22, 2012, 18:49:11
To avoid a discussion

Surely discussion is the whole point of a forum?

Otherwise it just ends up with people posting propaganda for a bunch of people who use ecology as an excuse for terrorist actions.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on December 22, 2012, 19:19:50
History shows that discussions about Japanese whaling/Sea Shepherd protests are eventually closed here..
 (you could say it's frowned upon)    ;)
Besides, this topic is about new Sea Shepherd ships..
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Stuart2007 on December 30, 2012, 19:46:40
Clanky, clearly he is referring to me.

However, posting fears over what will happen to these bunch of lunatics if they are ever allowed to take their NEW SHIP to SEA will result in their stupidity being REVEALED (or reviled?) and they will of course be SHEPHARDed to port by the arresting authority of whatever area they engage in their eco terrorism.

THere- how about that? ALL words of the topic thread in the statement above. Off topic? What a load of old molluscs.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: STORMM_29 on December 31, 2012, 10:14:57
Um for that comment up the page you are wrong in 2 ways 1 they are trimarans and 2 the are awsome
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Stuart2007 on January 01, 2013, 21:08:30
Um for that comment up the page you are wrong in 2 ways 1 they are trimarans and 2 the are awsome

Any chance of re-writing that properly so have a clue what you mean?
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on January 05, 2013, 08:40:48
Apparently, the Sam Simon will soon be on her way .. :)
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Stuart2007 on January 05, 2013, 13:20:10
Apparently, the Sam Simon will soon be on her way .. :) the bottom if they haven't yet learned how to sail.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: clanky on January 05, 2013, 14:38:13
It's not a lack of knowledge of sailing which is the issue, it's a lack of human decency and a certain knowledge that not only are they right, but that them being right is more important than anything else.

Is their head idiot still in jail?  Hopefully the rest will follow soon.

People don't give money to Somalian pirates why should they give it these criminals?
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on January 06, 2013, 10:20:50
Quite right, it's about human decency. Why should we care about whales?  There are enough of them anyway.
What better place to hunt and kill them than in an International Whale Sanctuary (under the pretense of Research)?
What a strange dance is performed every year in the Antarctic, the Japanese catch whales that hardly anyone back home eats (except maybe some old folks), Sea Shepherd do their best to prevent them doing so. I suspect some kind of private war is going on..
Maybe they can sell some whale meat to China, tell them it's libido-stimulating.. The Chinese like that..
Be it rhino-horn, elephant penis or tiger testicles, they'll eat it.. ;)

ps: I do agree that a solution should preferably be found through diplomatic means..
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: danny on January 06, 2013, 13:23:09
As these topics normally get locked for getting political...

Personally, I agree with what SSCS are working towards, but I don't agree with how they do it.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: clanky on January 06, 2013, 13:44:21
Quite right, it's about human decency. Why should we care about whales?  There are enough of them anyway.
What better place to hunt and kill them than in a whale sanctuary (under the pretense of Research)?
 Let the Japanese kill as many as they want, and let the "idiots" of Sea Shepherd  go on another protest against dolphin slaughter, shark-finning, tuna fishing, or some other crazy campaign..

If they blew up planes for their cause they would be classed as terrorists, ramming ships is no better.

I agree that whaling needs to be controlled, but it needs to be done by political means, not by terrorism.  If Sea Shepherd were to stop whaling by terrorism then it would be a temporary solution which would only last as long as the terrorism lasted, a political solution will be permanent.

Those who blow up planes are criminals who are treated as such by the courts, those who commit acts of piracy at sea should be treated in the same manner.  No cause justifies what they are doing or how they act, in the end they harm the causes that they fight for.
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on January 07, 2013, 10:22:48
Here's an interesting article ..

Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on January 08, 2013, 08:14:00
Latest news: Paul Watson has left..
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: michael_taal on January 08, 2013, 20:00:46
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :thumbdown:

there goes the best captain from SSCS without him and his ideas we didnt came so far in the war against the killing of whales and so on.

farewell captain :'( :( :C
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: Stuart2007 on January 08, 2013, 23:40:46
Latest news: Paul Watson has left..

Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: saltydog on January 09, 2013, 12:45:26
A U.S. court has ruled that Sea Shepherd keep a distance of at least 450 meters from Japanese whaling vessels.
To comply with this, Sea Shepherd will effectively be mere spectators, making their campaign rather pointless..
Title: Re: New Sea Shepherd ship revealed!
Post by: 2000 on June 21, 2013, 04:55:33
So now they're Greenpeace  ;)