Ship Simulator

English forum => Development corner => Mission Creation => Topic started by: LorenzoJ on March 16, 2010, 23:20:35

Title: How To Change Player Ship
Post by: LorenzoJ on March 16, 2010, 23:20:35
OK. Eventually I'll have the time to really get into learning the editor. But for now I wonder if it would be reasonably easy to just change one player vessel for another. Say for instance there's a tug mission I like and all I want to do is play it out with a different tug with no other edits. What would be the steps involved.Thanks
Title: Re: How To Change Player Ship
Post by: eviss on March 17, 2010, 00:50:01
Hello LorenzoJ ,

Welcome to our forum, hope you enjoy the contacts !   ;D

I wonder if it would be reasonably easy to just change one player vessel for another.

The short answer is NO, you can´t !

The vessel that got WP´s atached can´t be replaced; even removing it is probably damaging that mission !

There are many experts here, who have all the answers. But that is to simple !

I would just advise you, to read the ME-manual first and / or start making simple missions for yourself.

That way you would learn a lot about the ME-editor and its functions !   :thumbs:

vr. gr. / kind regards Erik
Title: Re: How To Change Player Ship
Post by: mvsmith on March 17, 2010, 01:33:21
Hi LorenzoJ,

Erik is correct. When you remove a player ship, all of its waypoints are also removed. Fortunately, when the waypoints are removed, the objects, such as areas, remain. That saves some work.

You need to make a note of all the parameters and conditions of every waypoint so that you can re-make them for the new ship.

Now for the bad news: The editor has a tendency to mess up its internal lists whenever objects are deleted. Make sure you keep a backup copy before you make any changes.

You can download the Mission Editor tutorial in PDF form here:,2886.0.html (,2886.0.html)

You might want to download the Missions Manual also.
Title: Re: How To Change Player Ship
Post by: LorenzoJ on March 17, 2010, 01:47:49
Thanks for the replies. I was starting to figure out the situation you describe for myself by just poking around in the editor. I still think it would be a very convenient  ablility to be able to simply switch out ships without having to recreate waypoints. Maybe in a future editor. Could add some easy variability in an otherwise well crafted mission.
Title: Re: How To Change Player Ship
Post by: mvsmith on March 23, 2010, 22:07:37
I’ve moved the topic here because this is the place to ask questions about using the Mission Editor.