Ship Simulator

English forum => Small talk => Topic started by: MMMMMM on November 24, 2009, 21:00:28

Title: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 24, 2009, 21:00:28
Vote on which ship and why you want to sail her and if she's not up there mark other and still leave a comment explaining why!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: v.h94 on November 24, 2009, 21:06:07


I don't like the walers. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Wave Music on November 24, 2009, 21:12:15
Rainbow Warrior 3

Because that vessel haven't been launched yet.  ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on November 24, 2009, 21:15:49
Yha 3 for the Esperanza I love the Esperanza I've made her for virtual sailor too, anyway it like her because one i hate whalers 2 because there's something about the ship that I love and I can't figure it out! 3 I'm sure you guys all new my ship I would want to sail before this topic was made because of my avatar and my signiture
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Ballast on November 24, 2009, 21:48:06
Strange poll. Only 2 out of 10 are confirmed... and the other 7 vessels arent really SSE since we have have them in SS08  ;D

anyway it like her because one i hate whalers 2

Stop whaling is only a small part of Greenpeace's goal... they also do something else with global warming and stuff  :P
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on November 24, 2009, 21:55:52
Accualy more are confirmed P&Ofrom screen shots OS from video vermass from screenshots titanic from screenshots and more
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: matt5674 on November 24, 2009, 22:08:29
She could have improved bridge features, like more working telegraphs.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Minime on November 24, 2009, 22:27:14
Actually Esperanza, Rainbow Warrior and Billy G are the  only vessels comfirmed by Vstep, ships in trailers might just be test vessels. But there is also that australian coastguard vessel from the trailer, guessing it's also comfirmed.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 24, 2009, 22:36:51
Actually Esperanza, Rainbow Warrior and Billy G are the  only vessels comfirmed by Vstep, ships in trailers might just be test vessels. But there is also that australian coastguard vessel from the trailer, guessing it's also comfirmed.

Trailer also has the frigate, and the RIB.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: joyjohnnickname on November 24, 2009, 22:57:57
Pride Of Rotterdam!
Because she simply is a beauty... I love the sound of her horn, the way she can turn even in the slidest turns, her speed, her colors, her name... Everything!  ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on November 24, 2009, 23:22:59
My main ship will ALWAYS be the Big Green Machine, it made me, me. And I know 'her' like the back of my hand. So in some respects, new editions to the game won't affect me directly...unless it's something I can tow...muhuahaha!

Jack :)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: matt5674 on November 24, 2009, 23:36:06
My main ship will ALWAYS be the Big Green Machine, it made me, me. And I know 'her' like the back of my hand. So in some respects, new editions to the game won't affect me directly...unless it's something I can tow...muhuahaha!

Jack :)
Fairmount Sherpa?
From pjotr's SSPro vid, there is a blue Sherpa. and the Green Sherpa.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 03:05:30
Actually Esperanza, Rainbow Warrior and Billy G are the  only vessels comfirmed by Vstep, ships in trailers might just be test vessels. But there is also that australian coastguard vessel from the trailer, guessing it's also comfirmed.

well no I doubt that the Ship Simulator Extremes game r
trailer won't have stuff that's not in the game so realy most of the are comfirmed also where do you see Australian coastguard ship?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: RMS Canada on November 25, 2009, 03:14:19
Titanic, heck yes!  ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 08:11:30
Huh, did it ever accure to you that you can sail the Titanic now, im gonna add more ships to the List

I added more options so please re vote
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: McGherkin on November 25, 2009, 08:23:47
Trailer also has the frigate, and the RIB.

Trailer has 2 frigates! One is a La Fayette class and one is a M class frigate!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 08:26:32
but arent they pretty much the same exact thing?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 12:51:22
Titanic, heck yes!  ;D

But it's one & the same boring sad ship that you'll be seeing now the 3rd time!  :P
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: John Carter on November 25, 2009, 13:31:31
frigate every time
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: v.h94 on November 25, 2009, 14:53:45
Still the Esperanza ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 14:54:43
Still the Rambo Warrior 3  ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 15:47:39
Yeah, what a guy.. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 15:56:21
Hot Shots 2 was an awesome comedy!  ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 15:57:59
I fell off the couch laughing.. :lol:
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: firestar12 on November 25, 2009, 16:07:32
She could have improved bridge features, like more working telegraphs.
The only ones she needs are already working. Most of the rest are for signaling and such.
The ship I'd love to sail is...
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 16:09:45
I'm looking forward to the Rigid Infalteable.. :)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 16:13:57
The ship I'd love to sail is...

That in whole depends on you first!  ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Ozy783 on November 25, 2009, 16:21:58
Where'd you find the list of ships?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 16:37:37
Maybe the Rigid Infalteable is the warship that has been rumoured about..
It would be a perfect name.. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 16:45:50
Maybe the Rigid Infalteable is the warship that has been rumoured about..
It would be a perfect name.. ;)

Pete, he's only 13...    Not all English speaking people are that good at English.  ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 16:48:04
Yes, I guess I am stretching it a bit.. :)
Just good fun, I know he meant inflateabull..
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 16:56:34
"Portifino Angel" - probably the most outstanding among all names, given to that ship since here appearance in SS.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 17:14:21
Portofino is a nice place..(too bad so many tourists).. :)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 20:54:01
"Portifino Angel" - probably the most outstanding among all names, given to that ship since here appearance in SS.

Yha sh is a nice boat, i think that the room twarrds the stern should be able to walk in though
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 20:55:04
Where'd you find the list of ships?

i didnt i watched the trailer and looked at screenshots
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 25, 2009, 20:58:34
So....the plot thickens, and the mystery grows deeper and deeper ever yet.... :D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 21:03:58
 ;)....... I just hope that Vstep wont push the game back any further i mean you can do alot of work in 5 Months so April, i just want to see more of the Esperanza or more screenshots
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 25, 2009, 21:40:21
Portofino is a nice place..(too bad so many tourists).. :)

I prefer the Bugseir 2!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 25, 2009, 21:41:51
I prefer the Bugseir 2!

That's not a resort place!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 21:43:29
Oh Yes Hotel Bugseir a floating 5 Star Hotel equipt with Room service and a Working Horn  :o    (DOnt Touch)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: matt5674 on November 25, 2009, 22:09:47
I still vote for Titanic. My most favorite ship.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 22:43:01
Yay my 600th Post Haha,

Well i dont know why so many people love the titanic i used to but not anymore, its getting kind of old isnt it?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: matt5674 on November 25, 2009, 23:52:55
She is still known through history. from 1912 of her demise, to 1943 of the first movie of Titanic, then 1950s for the second, 1980 for Raise the Titanic, 1985 when she was found, and 1997 for the bestest Titanic movie. Her news is so strong ;D Even Cunard line heard of her demise back in 1912.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 25, 2009, 23:55:10
She is still known through history. from 1912 of her demise, to 1943 of the first movie of Titanic, then 1950s for the second, 1980 for Raise the Titanic, 1985 when she was found, and 1997 for the bestest Titanic movie. Her news is so strong ;D Even Cunard line heard of her demise back in 1912.

Well duh cunard line heard of it the Carpathia was a cunarder
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: matt5674 on November 26, 2009, 00:03:09
More Titanic passengers could have been rescued my SS Californian but arrived in the morning when Carpathia got there too late. Californian turned off her communications after they intercepted Titanic's outgoing messages to Cape Race with a powerful message. Carpathia was given a medal by the Unsinkable Molly Brown.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: firestar12 on November 26, 2009, 01:06:49
She is still known through history. from 1912 of her demise, to 1943 of the first movie of Titanic, then 1950s for the second, 1980 for Raise the Titanic, 1985 when she was found, and 1997 for the bestest Titanic movie. Her news is so strong ;D Even Cunard line heard of her demise back in 1912.
I can't put into words how inaccurate that is.
The first Titanic movie was made in 1912, called In Nacht und Eis.
The second one was made in 1914 called Saved from the Titanic.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Stuart2007 on November 26, 2009, 01:13:12
Hot Shots 2 was an awesome comedy!  ;D

They must have two different films with the same name then  ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Stuart2007 on November 26, 2009, 01:15:47
She is still known through history. from 1912 of her demise, to 1943 of the first movie of Titanic, then 1950s for the second, 1980 for Raise the Titanic, 1985 when she was found, and 1997 for the bestest Titanic movie. Her news is so strong ;D Even Cunard line heard of her demise back in 1912.

They must have two different films with the same nae then  ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 26, 2009, 01:17:32
They must have two different films with the same name then  ;)

They must have two different films with the same nae then  ;)

He must have two different posts with the same content then.  ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: RMS Canada on November 26, 2009, 01:56:16
But it's one & the same boring sad ship that you'll be seeing now the 3rd time!  :P

So?  It's still great though.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships
Post by: Wave Music on November 26, 2009, 02:09:44
So?  It's still great though.

Isn't it boring to see her now the 3rd time?   There's nothing else to do with the Titanic than running her into icebregs!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: firestar12 on November 26, 2009, 02:14:10
She is still known through history. from 1912 of her demise, to 1943 of the first movie of Titanic, then 1950s for the second, 1980 for Raise the Titanic, 1985 when she was found, and 1997 for the bestest Titanic movie. Her news is so strong ;D Even Cunard line heard of her demise back in 1912.
Titanic was the worst disaster the world had ever heard of at the time. Of course Cunard are going to hear about it.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 26, 2009, 02:30:24
Titanic was the worst disaster the world had ever heard of at the time. Of course Cunard are going to hear about it.

I'll loudly & proudly say:

Titanic is the shame of whole shipping history & that ship should be forgotten once & for all!

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: mvsmith on November 26, 2009, 02:49:50
She is still known through history. from 1912 of her demise, to 1943 of the first movie of Titanic, then 1950s for the second, 1980 for Raise the Titanic, 1985 when she was found, and 1997 for the bestest Titanic movie. Her news is so strong ;D Even Cunard line heard of her demise back in 1912.

The fact that there is money to be made from movies about 1500 people being killed by Titanic does not make her a great ship.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 03:04:23
yha when  you put it that way a ship that 1000+ people died on does not seem like a great ship to me
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Sam on November 26, 2009, 10:04:12
Argh, no, not again!
Not this discussion.  >:(

Before you know it this topic will be full with titanic haters and lovers.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 10:16:23
Yha ok everyone please get back on topic
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: TJK on November 26, 2009, 11:52:06
I'll loudly & proudly say:

Titanic is the shame of whole shipping history & that ship should be forgotten once & for all!


their i think you hurt  :o many members WM me included :lol: she are a lovely ship and a historic one, watt are a ship simulator without her
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 26, 2009, 11:55:25
their i think you hurt  :o many members WM me included :lol: she are a lovely ship and a historic one, watt are a ship simulator without her

You wouldn't even know about her if she didn't sink & had a movie after her.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: TJK on November 26, 2009, 11:56:57
You wouldn't even know about her if she didn't sink & had a movie after her.

oh yes Austin that i would i love old steamers
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 11:58:17
neither would i wouldnt know about her if she didnt sink maybe because she was the biggest during her time but thats it  :lol:
oh yes Austin that i wood i love old steamers
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 26, 2009, 12:17:20
I guess my vote goes to the Rambow Warrior.. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 12:21:18
Ok seriously.... :C
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 26, 2009, 12:22:30
Seriously..?  The Esperanza..
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 26, 2009, 12:23:01
I guess my vote goes to the Rambow Warrior.. ;)

Rambows are so beautiful! Always wanted to take a picture of one, but always busy when I see one!

Seriously..?  The Esperanza..

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 12:24:17
Yay another esperanza
Seriously..?  The Esperanza..

Do you mean Rainbow Warrior? Not Rambo Warrior!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 26, 2009, 12:32:43
Yay another esperanza
Do you mean Rainbow Warrior? Not Rambo Warrior!

You spelled it wrong in the poll... Along with all the other ships (or most)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 12:33:49
ohh now i caught on lol woops
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 26, 2009, 13:15:22
You may want to revise the poll..We allready have at least 8 ships listed.. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: TJK on November 26, 2009, 13:39:13
I think we shod get allowed to vote  for more and one ship, at least 4, i will have POR, OS and Vermassse or a dry cargo ship
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 13:42:40
What you mean revise poll? by we already have 8 ships listed?

and it wont let me change it to how many votes we get
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 26, 2009, 13:44:06
Never mind, M6.. :angel:
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Eelkon on November 26, 2009, 14:25:41
I will start in the RPA-12 to extuinguish some fires :D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Sam on November 26, 2009, 16:57:37
Well, in stead of arguing about ships.

I woul like a big improvement in dynamics, and realism.
(especially for manouvering)

Jumbo Javelin is allmost perfect, biceaus it is a real ship wich was develloped in coöperation with jumboship.
More ships should be as good as the javelin.

And offcourse, the Fairmount Sherpa is allso verry realistic.

The thing wich annoys me the most are the bow thrusters, the ones from JJ and sherpa are verry good.
But the one from the POR, P6, agile solution, ocean star, ... are not verry realistic.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: firestar12 on November 26, 2009, 17:07:38
Well, in stead of arguing about ships.

I woul like a big improvement in dynamics, and realism.
(especially for manouvering)

Jumbo Javelin is allmost perfect, biceaus it is a real ship wich was develloped in coöperation with jumboship.
More ships should be as good as the javelin.

And offcourse, the Fairmount Sherpa is allso verry realistic.

The thing wich annoys me the most are the bow thrusters, the ones from JJ and sherpa are verry good.
But the one from the POR, P6, agile solution, ocean star, ... are not verry realistic.
Whoa...hold your horses! PoR (V 1.4) has realistic dynamics, Nathan|C has been on her many times and he's talked with the captain. According to him, the (1.4) dynamics are absolutely accurate. When it comes to the case of Agile Solution, I don't see anything wrong with it. I find much of it to be extremely realistic. I've never driven a ship of that size, but I don't see anything wrong with it. It has some nice features, like the prop walk and their turns aren't that bad. Ocean Star uses azipods, so you can expect some nice turns there. I don't see that much wrong with the dynamics of ShipSim. You know, most of the ships (that are real) that are in the game's dynamics are based on the actual dynamics of the ship, otherwise this wouldn't be a simulator. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 26, 2009, 22:07:04
Yha i se accuracy and relism in the POR and the Ocean Star is very much like Carnival Pride and it just like her
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: RMS Canada on November 27, 2009, 01:28:46
I'll loudly & proudly say:

Titanic is the shame of whole shipping history & that ship should be forgotten once & for all!


Woah, Woah, Wave Music.  I didn't say to flip out about the Titanic.  End of Story.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 27, 2009, 02:58:31
Just Drop it guys :)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: RMS Canada on November 28, 2009, 02:14:12
Just Drop it guys :)

Roger that.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 28, 2009, 02:15:56
Roger that.

I remember on MP there was a member with the name "Roger the cabin boy".  ;D
(Either "Roger" or "Rodger", can't remember well)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Stuart2007 on November 28, 2009, 12:58:58
Heres some more pictures from SSE!







mmmmmmm I'm not being funny, but this is about the fifth time you've posted this exact same post with exactly the same OLD pictures. Please stop it. The internet can not cope under the strain of it, nor the strain of me saying this.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: John Carter on November 28, 2009, 19:41:11
I remember on MP there was a member with the name "Roger the cabin boy".  ;D

that is a great name, i wish i had thought of it !
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 28, 2009, 20:04:47
that is a great name, i wish i had thought of it !

What could be great about that name?

You could have thought about "John Carter the Second Mate".
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: John Carter on November 28, 2009, 22:17:33
i could have thought about many names
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 28, 2009, 22:23:21
i could have thought about many names

That's good.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: The Ferry Man on November 28, 2009, 22:30:25
That's good.

You have thought of many Names, WM

But I have to say, I am not sure about the poll...

There are no New Ferries, and Red Eagle, RJ4 and PoR are all in SS08... :-\
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 28, 2009, 22:32:19
Post a silly poll, this is what you get.. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: The Ferry Man on November 28, 2009, 22:35:13
Don;t get me wrong, I am very much looking forward to SSE
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 22:36:13
Well i think we all are i just cant wait tell April
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 28, 2009, 22:40:59
Who's April..?  Your girlfriend..?  ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 22:42:42
No, April is when SSE is the expected release date for SSE, the thing its true it was posted up there by the Vstep Delvelopers not to long ago, so April 13,2009 is the expected US release date
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 28, 2009, 22:43:44
I think we can take the release date with a pinch of salt.. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 22:44:56
whats that mean/ i already pre ordered?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 28, 2009, 22:47:01
No may well be released at that time..But VS have been known to be a bit later than planned.. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: Wave Music on November 28, 2009, 22:49:53
No, April is when SSE is the expected release date for SSE, the thing its true it was posted up there by the Vstep Delvelopers not to long ago, so April 13,2009 is the expected US release date

Don't lie!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 22:50:22
VS? I thought we were talking about Ship Simulator Extremes?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 22:53:22
Don't lie!

Im not lying i have a PM form Mark  >:(


Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 28, 2009, 23:01:10
VS is VStep, the guys that make this game.. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 23:02:22
Ok i was just wondering Because you know VS, Virtual Sailor, so yha
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: saltydog on November 28, 2009, 23:04:52
Yeah, sorry for the confusion, I should think of other initials.. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Extremes Ships-Re Vote
Post by: MMMMMM on November 28, 2009, 23:06:44
HA, told you soo!  :evil: