Ship Simulator

English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: Matthew Brown on November 20, 2009, 22:33:13

Title: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 20, 2009, 22:33:13
Hi all!

I have recently have seen the release of a control unit for ship simulator... (

And this is probably a silly question but I know it is fully functional with ship simulator 2008, but will it be compatible with future editions? Like Ship Sim Extremes (2010) or Ship Simulator 2011 etc...?

I suppose it must be compatible for future editions for that price but can anyone confirm please?

Many Kind Regards
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 20, 2009, 22:44:38
If VSTEP is now selling it, it is most likely compatible with the game. It is just a USB controller, and if your operating system sees it as a controller, then you can use it in game.


"The Ship Console is a compact controller made of high quality steel and is compatible with our Ship Simulator games as well as other maritime simulation games out there"
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 20, 2009, 22:50:40
I thought it had to be  ;D .

Ill probably go ahead and order it then! yaay!  :captain:

Thankyou very much!

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 20, 2009, 22:57:23

I had a thought about two more posible problems...

Azimuth Thrusters on Ocean star, and also the controls on Red Eagle.

Anyone know how that might work?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 20, 2009, 23:07:12
Probably still going to have to use the mouse, except that I have no issues with Ocean Star using my keyboard, but red eagle will probably always need the mouse.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 20, 2009, 23:11:05
Oh well thats a shame  :(
The thrusters would work for definate though.

And I read that the buttons are programmable, so maybe I can have a fiddle and see if I can come up with a solution!

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Dave M on November 20, 2009, 23:17:47
Hi Brown,
I'm not sure about the Ocean Star but... Although it would work to some extent on Red Eagle, it would not be able to give you a full 360 degree turn on a VSP, (unless someone knows different,  :) ), and that is the joy of controlling the Red Eagle. The only realistic way of steering the Red Eagle is with the mouse.

There was a topic on building your own controller, (I can't find it at the moment), and they all had a problem with trying to emulate the sort of control needed for the Red Eagle, Bugsier and Ocean Star.

Regards, Dave
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 20, 2009, 23:23:46
We will see!

Its not the end of the world if in the end I have to use the mouse for red eagle, there are loads of other boats which i can still use!

Ocean Star I dont think would be so difficult though?

I cant wait anyway! I migh actually put a video onto youtube just showing how it works (once I get it of course!)

Kind Regards...
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: mvsmith on November 20, 2009, 23:33:17
Hi Brown,
As Dave said, it has limited usefulness on some of the ships in SS. It is awkward to use with azimuth drives such as those on Ocean Star, Bugsier 2, and Javelin. It is useless on Red Eagle, which has Voith-Schneider propellers.
For those vessels, you must program buttons for much of the work. Since you can do the same with the keys on your keyboard, why bother?
What is really needed is a pair of joysticks that operate in polar coordinates like the real ship control sticks.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: TerryRussell on November 21, 2009, 00:10:33
I very much suspect that you will also need the mouse for the hovercraft engine 3 (the one that produces the lift).

I can't see any way that the current design can link that control to a keyboard or external controller. And believe me, I've looked!

This is for SS2008. Don't yet know about Extremes.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: The Ferry Man on November 21, 2009, 00:22:25
What about Bow/Stern Thrusters? are they catered for?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Shipaddict on November 21, 2009, 00:23:57
I think they are controlled by two buttons above that steering stick. (Forgotten what it's called now...::))
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: v.h94 on November 21, 2009, 00:29:09
I ''think'' it's the buttons under the trottle, on real ships, ferrys, and so on any bigger craft they are often controled by buttons.

I wonder if the lock when you press them and need to press them again to deactivate the thruster. ::)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Agent|Austin on November 21, 2009, 01:12:00
I ''think'' it's the buttons under the trottle, on real ships, ferrys, and so on any bigger craft they are often controled by buttons.

I wonder if the lock when you press them and need to press them again to deactivate the thruster. ::)

All the buttons are programable, so you can do what you want with them. But in the video the manufacture used the buttons above the rudder control doohiky, the ones below the throttle were for sailing vessels.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: mvsmith on November 21, 2009, 01:30:33
To add to Terry’s comments about the hovercraft:
Most steering is done with the forward thrust ducts because the fan deflectors produce skids.
I doubt it is feasible to assign that to the tiller. For one thing, the ducts are also the brakes and backing drive; they need to be rapidly swung forward. Controlling them is rather easy using the <, > and nearby Shift key with precision steering disabled.

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: mvsmith on November 21, 2009, 01:51:24
If you would like a more convenient key arrangement than your normal keyboard, there are less expensive USB alternatives:
I’ve used both the Belkin n52te and the Saitek CYBORG Command Unit. Both offer multi-shift keys and a thumbstick.
The regular keyboard on the Vista computer where I usually run SS is a Saitek CYBORG (acquired for the illuminated keys). It has six programmable keys arranged vertically at each end of the keyboard. This is a very handy arrangement.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: RMS Canada on November 21, 2009, 02:35:35
The Ship Simulator Control Unit looks really cool but I cannot afford such a thing.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 21, 2009, 11:16:57
Yes, some different views on it.

And like I said I dont realy mind if in the end it comes down to using three ships with the mouse, and with the hovercraft I have my own method! I come straight at the dock and then quickly spin around using rudder, I never touch those two pipes on top!

And to turn the engines on and off, easy! I have seen that there are two blank buttons on the console which ill asign to engine 1 and 2, and if theres an engine 3 ill just assign it to another.

It will take a bit of saving of pocket money but I hope to get it for next January  :2thumbs:

But theres NO WAY im spending that money on a game that only is valid till april next year, Im going to send an email to VSTEP and ask them what they think, Ill post their reply back here for you all!

 :captain: Kind Regards...
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 21, 2009, 14:20:49
I emailed VSTEP and they said they would get back to me in three days time, I also emailed WILCO.

But below is something I made! (Its te controls shown more clearly)


So now we can work out where to programme things.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: The Ferry Man on November 21, 2009, 14:26:51
Good job - Well done  :thumbs: :thumbs:
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Ballast on November 21, 2009, 14:57:31
I would love to have one of these, but not for that price.

Perhaps we can buy the SSCU in bulk via the forum, and get a discount!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: jim.smith on November 21, 2009, 17:50:55
What a good idea Ballast,Ill second that. :thumbs:
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 23, 2009, 17:35:44
Whilst on the German forum I found some MASSIVE photos of the unit,


This one below isnt a big one but its a lot clearer...
And also the instructions...

 :captain: Kind regards...
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 23, 2009, 17:39:22

I asked "Will the control unit be compatible with all future releases of ShipSimulator?"

And the Responses


Dear Matt,
yes console unit it is compatible with all shipsim software.
Shipsim team



Yes, they will be as we are working closely with the publishers.

Best Regards,


So there you go!

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Matthew Brown on November 24, 2009, 20:49:50
And look what Ive found  :o what was this!?

Maybe an older version for 2006 but  I dont know (I started only on the 2008 game).

It looks really cool though!  :2thumbs:



Anyone know?

(to be honest I actually prefer this one! Its more colourful and  it sort of has the SS logo on it)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Shipaddict on November 24, 2009, 21:26:32
I prefer the throttles and tiller on that one personally but I prefer the other buttons etc on the newer one. :)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: AriesDW on November 24, 2009, 22:35:32
I look forward to trying it. It looks like quite and awesome input device.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Captain Cadet on February 15, 2010, 11:52:49
I will buy it if it was cheaper. lets say: £80
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: pigdog on February 22, 2010, 11:53:09
I'm not sure about the Ocean Star but... Although it would work to some extent on Red Eagle, it would not be able to give you a full 360 degree turn on a VSP, (unless someone knows different,   )

Hi All, your quite right Dave M, i'm in the final stages of testing azimuth controls that I've built using 360 degree potentiometers and they do work well with the red eagle it gives you full 360 turning ability but as you say the azimuth vessels ocean star and Bugsier 2 they will not work with.
If these two vessels had the same steering paramiters of the red eagle instead of their current limitations the controls would work great and I'm guessing that you would have the same problem with the Ship control unit.

I'm in the process of making a short video to show these controls in action and the limitations with azimuth ships.

If it were me I'd save the money and spend half on building your own controller and the other half on wine, Spambot and the next two releases of shipsim, thats a lot of dosh!
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: maverik90 on February 22, 2010, 22:48:42
The console is fine even though it may be better at a better price as 100 - 200 € but I'm in Italy and I can not find a dealer who can sell Italian! can someone help me? :)
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Captain Cadet on February 23, 2010, 18:47:33
fine it now up to:
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: McGherkin on February 23, 2010, 19:31:23
I'd still rather have a wheel. most ships are controlled with wheels anyway...
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: saltydog on February 23, 2010, 21:49:53
The console is fine even though it may be better at a better price as 100 - 200 € but I'm in Italy and I can not find a dealer who can sell Italian! can someone help me? :)

Hi maverik...Why not order it from ShipSim..?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: maverik90 on February 24, 2010, 15:11:03
Hi maverik...Why not order it from ShipSim..?

Simply because it costs a little too much!  :C
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Willmutt on March 04, 2010, 18:38:28
This control unit doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm just intressed in the throttles, like the throttles in this clip:
If that was available for a affordable price like maybe 80-100 dollars I would buy it. With a steering wheel it would be a perfect setup :thumbs:  The rest, like cameras and so on can be controlled from the keyboard. That is what i think, does anyone agree with me?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: McGherkin on March 05, 2010, 08:08:51
I agree. My wheel has all the buttons of the SCU, but it only lacks a dual throttle.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Willmutt on April 07, 2010, 12:15:13
Would this Saitek Pro Flight throttle work for SS well?
It costs about 50 euro / 450 sek. I mean, there is no specialized SS (just) throttle that you can buy and use with your steering wheel, instead you have to buy the hole SS control unit that looks really cheap. Could this be used instead and work well?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: McGherkin on April 07, 2010, 12:16:52
SS08 only supports 1 joystick if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Willmutt on April 07, 2010, 12:22:23
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: McGherkin on April 07, 2010, 12:37:54
Agreed. Maybe in NAUTIS :-\
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Willmutt on April 07, 2010, 16:11:51
You really should be able to have it in SSE, would be a shame without. I wont pay 4000 euros just to have an extra unit connected! :lol:
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: otacon1001 on May 18, 2010, 22:21:30
What happened to this product does Vstep not endorse it anymore.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: McGherkin on May 18, 2010, 22:23:29
Possibly because of the experience of the people who bought it. Or at least one of them. Plus it cost a lot of money...

You might notice that Sail Simulator's gone too.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Frank_VSTEP on May 19, 2010, 19:22:27
What happened to this product does Vstep not endorse it anymore.

Feedback has been good, so the control unit will be back on sale through the site soon. We're solving some tech issues with the webshop regarding this control unit and will put it back online asap.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: capterik on May 20, 2010, 11:58:16
Well after waiting for someone in the states to carry this, it finally happened and I have it in hand! If I ordered from Europe it was around $550 and just too much at around $300 I can do it! works awsome andevery button is programable and comes with numerous labels, although it could use some more.

The FlightSim Pilot Shop

Date Ordered: Friday 07 May, 2010

1 x VRInsight - Ship Console (SHC-100) = $299.95
Sub-Total: $299.95

Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: McKay on May 23, 2010, 03:27:26
Would this Saitek Pro Flight throttle work for SS well?

I have a set that includes exactly this item and a steering yoke.  I've been very happy with it.
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: *M*A*S* on February 18, 2015, 01:41:21
I no longer see the ship control unit listed on shipsim website? anyone knows anything?
Title: Re: Ship Simulator Control Unit
Post by: Mr Robville on February 18, 2015, 08:42:27
You can get it at SimWare now. You can find it here: