Ship Simulator
English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: cptnchris on July 29, 2009, 04:05:52
where can modify the weather do the waves are REALLY big? ???
where can modify the weather do the waves are REALLY big? ???
You can't and it not aloved you los you varanty of the game, and if something goes wrong then you are on you oun, I't not aloved to manipulate the files in the game, it's meanny posts about this
Only in Free Roam, and when creating missions, can you change the weather and environment, (such as time of day and waves).. The maximum height of waves is then 4 metres, in harbours 0,2 m..
where can modify the weather do the waves are REALLY big? ???
Hi Chris,
Unfortunately, the game is limited to 4 metre waves, which are still pretty scary at times :o The screenshots you may have seen about the HUGE waves was when a certain member edited the game illegaly and made the waves that big. You are not allowed to modify the games files in any way unless permitted to do so.
Hope this helps and clears things up ;)
:evil: Let us put bigger waves becouse 4m waves is like rainbow unicorn waves :doh:
Hi and welcome to the Ship Simulator Forum jakanddexter.
apparently, 4 metre waves are scary for small ships like the Harbour Tugboat, VSTP7, Marbella Deligt, Northern Star, Arie Visser and Pioneer, Hydrojet and Freedom 90. with the update patch to 1.4.2 from 1.3 and 1.X, you can no longer make waves bigger with the 1.4.2 patch. Sorry, the biggest the waves can go is 4 metres, which is equivilent to 12 feet.
is there a way to fix the problem and how did the one member change it 8)
It is not a problem, it was meant to be that way. And like people said, they edited the game's files which is illegal and VSTEP won't offer technical support if you do do it. And with the latest 1.4.2 patch, it is impossible.
but can the moderrators of the game fix it so we can get bigger waves becouse if you liked your buyers you would try to fix the problem in the game for every one right :2thumbs:
Like I said before, it is not a problem. And the moderators have little or no way to modify the game. Though Pjotr has told me that in SSE the waves should be at least 14M.
I agree and did they even try and did they band the member or try to figure out how he did it
just saying just try to fix it and if you dont try then :'(
As The Captain said, it is not a problem, and we all know how to do it, I could do it if I wanted to, but I don't feel like messing up my SS. It is also illegal, can't you just wait for SSE? SSE will have all the big waves you want, and then you can be happy!
i know but what if you get permission and change it becouse and it wont be illegal and make 70m waves becous i might not get SSE but Ill probley get it :doh:
So.... I should put my post back :-\ ;D? Okay, but I'm only doing it so that it doesn't look like you said I said something that I never said, just saying ;D.
#1- The moderators can't and aren't going to adjust the game.
#2- They do like their buyers very much because they make games for them, like SS08 and 2010.
#3- It isn't a problem. Even though it might be nice to make waves at rediculus hights, it will get, as it often does, 'old'.
And who would help you with the file conversions for wave hight?
I very much doubt VSTEP would give you permission. SS08 is not open source... :sleepy:
my cousin sittin beside me
I wish i can figure out who changed the files so i can beat him up ;D
Close this stupid topick, it's not aloved and watt are the point
I wish i can figure out who changed the files so i can beat him up ;D
I'll tell him how you feel..
Seriously though..
The game is programmed to deal with seas up to 4meters high.
Anything beyond that is stupid, because the ships will no longer behave like they should, it's outside the programming.
This sim is about realism, so anything unrealistic is unwanted. For the same reason, there are no spaceships in the sim. But some people that do not understand realism have requested them nonetheless.
And the fact that there used to be a way, does not mean this was ever intended to be any higher. The files never were meant to be open for editing. Case closed.
Wait for the next version, you'll get more then.
ok but how come they were open for editing that isnt that brilliant
ok but how come they were open for editing that isnt that brilliant
Read the text abow from Fred
ok :doh:
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
Please don't double post, especially if the next post does not have anything useful to add. Anyway they were not really 'open for editing' VSTEP never said it was Ok, I think they just figured that no one would try to edit them, but when people did start to, they were wrong and they had to lock the files.
Files shouldn't be tampered with.
1. If you do, you'll use ALL technical support.
2. You'll simply make your game un-realistic.
3. You will probably be banned.
This has been discussed many times before. And for the final time, editing the waves is illegal. And with the new patch, it cannot be done anyway.
And from my own, personal experience, I can tell you that the waves in Ship Sim are big enough as they are. If you were to run into them in real life - You'd be in trouble...I can tell you that now.
This isn't Tsunami Simulator.
p.s. Spamming the forum with ":doh:" Isn't very clever either.
Thax fire star for the help but I didnt want to change the files on SS08
On ss08 my cousin was pplaying and he move the throttle and didnt move ???
How long did you wait for? A huge vessel like the VLCC Latitude or Titanic won't accelerate to top speed in 3 seconds like a car. Also, I was not telling you HOW to modify the files, I would never encourage that in a million years. Also to go with what Jack said, if you try to modify the files, I am 100% sure that you would be banned, people have done it before, and were banned. Look for "The perfect storm" that guy is not around anymore for a reason...
No need to shout like that... We're not in the Zoo.
If you want members to stop posting in your topic - ask them kindly or close the topic. ;)
Uhm...calm down please? :)There are plenty of topics where things kept going after the question was answered. In fact, in a lot of them, people even learned more than they thought they would, nothing wrong with fully understanding something? But exploding like that at other members does not make for a good first impression, I remember plenty of people who got mad like that, and some members can even be hurt by it, so please, don't get mad like that, keeping others' feelings in mind please. ;)
No need to shout like that... We're not in the Zoo.
If you shout in a Zoo, then you may spook the animals, and people would get mad at you. So, I suppose we are in the Zoo ;D.
If you shout in a Zoo, then you may spook the animals, and people would get mad at you. So, I suppose we are in the Zoo ;D.
Just a well known phraze, used in cases when someone begin to act not like a normal human. ;D
I've never heard that phraze before ???.
Now, a common yelling phrase would be;
"Stop yelling. This isn't a lunchroom."
Just because we're from different countries...
But your phraze is strong enough too, lol :2thumbs:
It would actually be really helpfull if I knew what country you are really from, so that I wouldn't think that you would have heard it. Ever consider going into your profile and putting your nation's flag?
And Firestar, ever consider going into your profie and LEAVING your nation's flag ;D?
I like the complicated mystery. :)
Guys keep in mind...I never heard anyone say that we could go off topic in general discussions so I think we should keep talking about modifying the weather. If you ask someone on youtube how they did it, they will deny that it is illegal, but trust me, it is and is against the EULA.\
I like the complicated mystery. :)
I don't too much ;D.
Guys keep in mind...I never heard anyone say that we could go off topic in general discussions
Nope, neither have I :2thumbs:.
Fire star i dont wont to change the files even in 600000000000years and the ship would move but the throttle didnt :o
and the ship would move but the throttle didnt :o
What's the name of that famous ship then?
THE RMS Titanic :doh:
Ah, Titanic takes a long time to get speed.
I know that the titanic takes a long time to get speed becouse I drove it but the throttle didnt move at all and when he let go of the throttle the engine shut off :sleepy:
I know that the titanic takes a long time to get speed becouse I drove it but the throttle didnt move at all and when he let go of the throttle the engine shut off :sleepy:
Sorry, I don't follow?
Thats ok and I should of made it more clear the first time 8)
Sorry, I don't follow?
I believe he means that he drove the ship, but the throttle didn't move. He had his cursor over the throttle while he clicked and held it there. When he let go, the boat stopped it's engines, but they were still on.
Who are you addressing here....?
Who are you addressing here....?
Probably to all that are still postig on his thread after his question has been answered.
The Captain got it right :2thumbs:
Probably to all that are still postig on his thread after his question has been answered.
He better not be.... >:(
He better not be.... >:(
Too late when he did it... :sleepy:
I believe he means that he drove the ship, but the throttle didn't move. He had his cursor over the throttle while he clicked and held it there. When he let go, the boat stopped it's engines, but they were still on.
In order to keep the throttle at full without returning to neutral is to go into Options, click on controller (or something similar I cannot remember offhand) and then click the Precision Steering Checkbox. This should allow you to move the throttle without reverting back to the 'off' position.
Hope this helps :)
To go on what Spencer said.
Go to Options
then go to Controls
and check the Precision Steering
You can then use numpad to control engines separately, or use the arrow keys. Use control to return the rudder, and 5 on the numpad to return the throttles.