Ship Simulator

English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: Drakko on January 15, 2009, 23:31:05

Title: Forgot ship
Post by: Drakko on January 15, 2009, 23:31:05
I will miss titanic
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on January 16, 2009, 17:37:28
Who voted Furie....I kill you :D

I voted Titanic, won't comment on why since I'll probably have the Titanic fans breathing down my neck :D *cough cough* RMS Gigantic :D ;D

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Minime on January 16, 2009, 17:41:04
I voted for ducky, what do we need that for?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Bottman on January 16, 2009, 17:54:40
...afraid of eye-cancer? ;D

In my opinion the Jetski is more than useless for a ship simulator - the duck ist just fun. ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 16, 2009, 17:57:08
What A Suprise, Titanic has the most votes...Well, what's happened to all those "Titanic Lovers"?

And, Jack, on that note, who ever votes Pride of Rotterdam....I WILL get you  ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: jim.smith on January 16, 2009, 18:19:03
How can you call a jetski a ship. ??? ::) ??? ::)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Bottman on January 16, 2009, 18:26:33
How can you call a jetski a ship. ??? ::) ??? ::)

I won't do that! But the developer in chief seems to be a great fan of that thing! ::)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Bottman on January 16, 2009, 18:29:34
I mean Sherpa has ugly colour design, not suitable for AHTS, to my mind. Although I like AHTS, PSV & other vessels for offshore duties, but I found it's boring to play on Sherpa.
Wish they, if not replace, then add another AHTS, something like this one:

Hmm, that's strange! You feel to play on "Sherpa" is boring, but asking for another vessel of the same type? If you are on board, you can't see the colour and the handling of the ship is quite nice, I think.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 16, 2009, 19:22:39
She isn't built to look pretty, she's built to do her job. And to be honest, i like her paint  ;)

It's all a matter of opinion.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Season on January 16, 2009, 19:28:00
Ooooops.. I read the question wrong =(. Silly me.. I now voted on a ship I WILL totally miss!
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Minime on January 16, 2009, 19:31:58
I think Sherpa has a nice paint job
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMSGreatBritain on January 16, 2009, 20:22:15
I think Sherpa has a nice paint job

I agree Minime. I voted for the jetski, its totally pointless here
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: dhs on January 16, 2009, 20:24:54
What is the ducky? ???
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Ballast on January 16, 2009, 20:32:43
@ CC; if im correct, Vstep did already a job for Fairmount before SS08 came out so the contact between both company's was already set.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 16, 2009, 20:36:23
Very sad there won't be any other AHTS in future SS.  :'(

And you know this....How?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on January 16, 2009, 20:36:51
Well, Fairmount Sherpa wasn't included just because she's Dutch, also, the colour scheme is actually very good, and very visable at sea. The design is also good, a view all the way around from the wheelhouse and extremely heavy towing gear. Designed to with-stand a good sea too.

Thats my opinion anyway.

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Ballast on January 16, 2009, 20:37:11
Very sad there won't be any other AHTS in future SS.  :'(

We don't know what the future will bring. I also realy like AHTS, they are the true work horses of the sea, but im also excited to see other vessels, different types, to sail with.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Carl ov plymouth on January 16, 2009, 20:39:28
I like the sherpa, and if you don't like it then a simple answer is to not play with that vessel. Or then again you could just not play ship sim at all. Another thing you could do CC is go to VS, where they have plenty of AHTS. Also, i think their members will enjoy your type too
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 16, 2009, 20:42:08
I can't believe that there are people who like the Jetski and Ducky more then Titanic.

Ok, I don't really like Titanic.
But I like the Titanic a lot more then the Jetski and Ducky.

I allso think the colorscheme from the Sherpa isn't the best ever.
But I still like the ship a lot.

A AHTS won't be more fun if it had other colors  :o

Carl ov Plymouth, why are u so touched by CC's comment?
It is verry rude to ban him to VS ;D
VS is hell for ship dynamics  :P
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 16, 2009, 20:42:25
You're being a bit disrespectful to VSTEP and our opinions, CC.

Just because you all are playing with Sherpa for a long time & don't have any idea about the another OSV.

That's not at all true, and a bit Ignorant actually. One AHTS, really isn't that different to another AHT, except for maybe Dynamics, Power, Paint and overall shape. The Purpose is the same, so does it matter which one we have? Does it matter if we have POR instead of Ulysses? They have the same purpose, so does it matter which?

I think you would like VS also. Plenty of AHTS, and of you care about the Atlantic Eagle so much, why not ask for it to be modeled yourself here: .
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Carl ov plymouth on January 16, 2009, 20:48:00
Sam i am intitled to my own opinion if he wants to be ignorant then expect others to treat him the same
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on January 16, 2009, 20:51:04
"I mean Sherpa has ugly colour design, not suitable for AHTS, to my mind. Although I like AHTS, PSV & other vessels for offshore duties, but I found it's boring to play on Sherpa"

As ugly in your opinion as it may be, those colours are brilliant for vision at sea. How are they not suitable? ???

Saying the Sherpa is "boring" is disrespectful for V-STEP to listen to. Even though i'm not overly keen on Titanic, I don't come out with abrupt words such as "boring". Maybe you should think about other people's views and opinions here?

I don't want to fall into an argument here, lets all be civil with this. We shouldn't have to have a moderator step into our topics all the time, when we are able to talk respectively amongst eachother.

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 16, 2009, 20:53:41

Looking at the amount of replies to your post(s), i'd say the majority of us disagree with your views. Saying that, i think that it's the end of this subject. Lets try to get back to topic everyone  ;)

Frankly, i'd prefer all of the vessels VSTEP has spent their time modelling into the new game, rather than be wasted. But, i did vote for the Titanic, just because of all the fuss surrounding the sinking and all of the topics claming that the benches may of been a different colour, or how some sign happens to be missing at the bow, or how her rudd......
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMSGreatBritain on January 16, 2009, 20:56:11
Jack your right lets all be nice and civil about this situation. We all have our opinions about the sherpa and so lets just respect each others opinions and carry on. Its the best way, You'll just have to agree to disagree, so please, calm down, respect others opinions, and we can all carry on as normal in a calm and respectful manner. Im no moderator or peacekeeper, but Its the best way. ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 16, 2009, 20:57:18
Jack your right lets all be nice and civil about this situation. We all have our opinions about the sherpa and so lets just respect each others opinions and carry on. Its the best way, You'll just have to agree to disagree, so please, calm down, respect others opinions, and we can all carry on as normal in a calm and respectful manner. Im no moderator or peacekeeper, but Its the best way. ;)


Can you please show me the section where the discussion got out of hand?

I see nobody loosing there calm. It seems like a perfectly reasonable discussion to me, but see my above post.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 16, 2009, 21:02:33
I like the sherpa, and if you don't like it then a simple answer is to not play with that vessel. Or then again you could just not play ship sim at all. Another thing you could do CC is go to VS, where they have plenty of AHTS. Also, i think their members will enjoy your type too

Good suggestion Carl,
He seems not to be happy unless he is whining about something. His arrogant statement that he is the only one aware of other AHTs is squarely in the two-pounds-in-a-one-pound-bag category.
This is a ship simulator, not a photo album or beauty contest for ships.
As for his accusation that VSTEP is discriminating against non-Dutch ships; I’m surprised he stopped short of calling it racism.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Second Mate on January 16, 2009, 21:04:56
I think we are all entitled to our opinions and should respect them, if Cushioncraft don't like green, fair enough.
I don't like it that much either, but unfortunately its impossible for vstep to please everyone, so there has to be compromise.

My hope is there will be more choice in the future, but that comes at a price, usually in eruos or if your old like me, guilders (not sure of my spelling).

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMSGreatBritain on January 16, 2009, 21:07:58
Nathan I never said it got out of hand, but I could sense an argument arising, and there was a tiny bit of annoyance and disrespect here. ;) So that was why i posted, A discusssion is fine, but not an argument, which was what I saw this turing into ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 16, 2009, 21:48:33
I don't want to fall into an argument here, lets all be civil with this. We shouldn't have to have a moderator step into our topics all the time, when we are able to talk respectively amongst eachother.

Well said. Seems incredible to me how people can so irritable about paint colours.   ;D

Removed! Hope you're all happy, especially Carl & you can continue playing your SS.

I think they can probably do that with or without your post, but I'm sure everyone will be most grateful for your kind wishes.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: andyfinn on January 16, 2009, 22:56:46
I wont the miss titanic
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 16, 2009, 23:05:31
Who voted Furie....I kill you :D

I voted Titanic, won't comment on why since I'll probably have the Titanic fans breathing down my neck :D *cough cough* RMS Gigantic :D ;D

Oh, I think I already know why *coughNathanstartedafadcough* ;D

Oh, dear, I think there may be another cough epidemic! *coughIvotedNorthStarcough*
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: CaptainMike1 on January 17, 2009, 00:23:09
How can I change my vote, I meant to vote for Titanic and instead voted for the wonderful Jetski....??

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Master Captain on January 17, 2009, 01:47:02
i voted for latitude, but agreed, i wouldn't miss titanic much, shes just such a burden to sail, though a great ship herself, a burden to sail. *MC runs to his hiding place to avoid titanic fan conflict* ;D
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 17, 2009, 09:18:46
Terry votes "Titanic" and stands ready to face the onslaught.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: IRI5HJ4CK on January 17, 2009, 10:10:57
Oh, dear, I think there may be another cough epidemic! *coughIvotedNorthStarcough*

Shame, Shame, you just wasted your vote!

My favourite is the Sherpa, always has been, when people stopped going to Marseille, I looked at the North Star, liked it at first, then re-thought and went back to the towing again, and thats where I'm staying ;D

Na na naaaa! you just wasted your voooteee! na na naaaaaa! :D ;D :P

p.s. second comes Furie-depends on the sitution really ;D
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 17, 2009, 10:12:41
So is RMS saying that he enjoys playing with a Plastic tub (JetSki) more than a proper Ship (North Star)?

Whatever flicks your switch  ;D

Why did someone vote for Furie? All the time and effort put into that boat  :-\
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Shipaddict on January 17, 2009, 10:21:16
I voted Titanic.

Played with her what...about four times i'd say.

I personally don't see any point in keeping her. :)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 17, 2009, 14:38:21
I like the Titanic, I enjoy operating her, and I think Jason did an excellent job despite the whining of the nit-pickers. What I object to is the cult of Titaniacs who try to make her the tail that wags the dog.

We see very few missions that use her in any reasonable way, and little evidence that she is actually sailed in any competent way. I see little reason to expend major resources, either in modeling more of the interior or in anything that causes her to put more demands on the system.

She served her purpose well in the introductory days of Ship Simulator, but her importance to sales of SS 2010 is greatly exaggerated.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Traddles on January 17, 2009, 15:36:44
I find the Titanic very easy to handle, she has all the controls needed to get around safely and if care is taken she is great fun. However I do think that she is just another ship and in no way special. As has been said many times before, she hit a berg and sank! That IS the only thing about her that is special. As Marty has said, you can count on one hand the number of missions (Proper ones, that is) that are in the game, either as standard or Custom missions. That alone indicates how popular she is in actual playing, rather than just looking at her and counting rivets :P. To finalise my point, when SS2010 is released I will STILL have SS2008 and Titanic to sail, so why have her in a third game?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 17, 2009, 15:50:10
Red Jet 4, Herkules Atlas and Elbe have 0 Votes..... Elbe, ok, is a very popular ships, but RJ4 and the Herkules? Very Suprising
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Traddles on January 17, 2009, 15:56:27
I would have been surprised if anyone thought those three ships were unworthy. Nothing surprising at all there.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Garth H on January 17, 2009, 17:29:59
Hello,  Can anybody tell me what the purpose of a jetski is other than to annoy me...
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 17, 2009, 18:00:30
Perhaps that alone justifies its presence.
Actually, it is quite popular; many missions feature it. It is fun to ride, especially in 4-meter seas.
One needs to know how to drive it: Disable “precision steering” so you can quickly chop power and put drive amidships. Steer with the mouse and use small angles. Do not exceed speeds that cause it to go airborne.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 17, 2009, 18:16:45
I allso like the Sherpa a lot, like a lot of members.
(Just not the paint scheme like I said before)

But, when I go to MP, I hate it when people use it as a harbour tug.

The Fairmount Sherpa is ment to tow oilrigs or to pull anchors out of the bottom.
Or to supply oilrigs.

Not for pushing or pulling containerships to their berth.
It is one of the reasons for wich I keep away from servers with the Sherpa on it.

Ppl who do this don't know a lot of ships (but hey, that is only my opinion).

(I am not saying that I know a lot of ships)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 17, 2009, 18:21:24
But, when I go to MP, I hate it when people use it as a harbour tug.


You seem to use the word "hate" a lot. Hate is a very strong word. You cannot tow Oil Rigs around in MP, and the ship is very strong, which is why a lot of users tend to use her as a Standard tug. I agree, it is a bit overused, but it gets the job done.

I wouldn't avoid the servers with Sherpa on just for that reason.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 17, 2009, 19:07:53
Well, I use the word hate, biceaus I allso hate it.

Why use the Sherpa, if the Bugsier 2 can do the job much better?

I allways refuse a Sherpa from assisting me.

Ok, I can understand that people want to use the Sherpa.
But why so many people?

Playing the game realisticly is verry important for me, and then I hate it when someone wants to come and assist me with the Sherpa.

Something ellse I hate on mp is that, I have a perfect course to enter Marseille on the Lattitude.
And suddenly someone on a POR thinks it is OK to crash his ship while going 20 knots at the port entrance.

It is hard to find some serious players on mp.

But I am getting a little bit to much off topic.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Nathan|C on January 17, 2009, 19:32:19
I agree with the POR section - I don't like it in MP Marseille when i'm in a larger, slower ship and someone cuts in front of me almost causing a crash - They should wait and try to communicate.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 18, 2009, 00:54:58
Why did someone vote for Furie? All the time and effort put into that boat  :-\
You want Titanic out, only to turn around and say that you don't want a ship with a lot of time and effort put into it removed?


And about the jetski, ever piloted it in 4m waves? INSTANT AIR! ;D

Anyway, if you want a ship that had little effort put into it out, do you remember how little info Vstep had about the PoR when they modelled it...?


And suddenly someone on a POR thinks it is OK to crash his ship while going 20 knots at the port entrance.

Actually, I usually do that in Ocean Star. I think I only did that in PoR once, that being because neither my favorite, nor second favorite vessel was on the server!


Maybe I said that at the wrong time :-\ :P
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: ash on January 20, 2009, 18:24:40
i hate titanic because it takes up toooooooo much computing power and it is boring, why include it in another game?? if you want to sail it you can play SS06 and SS08 and play SS10 for other things!!
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: v.h94 on January 20, 2009, 21:42:46
I woted wrong i should vote for Titanic instead for Elbe
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 21, 2009, 00:20:23
I voted PoR this time around, just to tick Nathan off ;D

As for "why not just play SS08 for Titanic,"the model is nowhere near complete, as Vstep had described in her 2006 description. Jason still has many things to model and/or correct.

I know, let's drop the Pride of Rotterdam, too, since it isn't complete, either!

Infact, any ship larger than medium size should be dropped if we're going after incomplete ships! Not to mention all the yet-to-be-rendered/unfinished new ships for SS10.

I deeply suggest you let Vstep or whoever FINISH a model properly before dropping it.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 21, 2009, 05:19:40
If the Titanic model were improved, or “completed” it could be added to SS 2008 instead of including it in 2010. If Jason doesn’t “complete” it, the question is moot.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mad_Fred on January 21, 2009, 05:37:41
Plus.. there is also this little detail.. that this simulator is not intended to present us with 100% accurate and finished models anyway. That's not really high on the priority list, and would hold no bearing on letting a ship go, a lot of the SS06 models could have used improvement, they left them behind too, so not being ready is not a major reason to keep it.

Pity the people that are most concern with the looks, and details in every nook and cranny of a certain ship, never actually really play the game as intended though.. I wonder if VSTEP really makes this sim for them.. I would suspect not..


Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 21, 2009, 08:13:50
Common, this isn't verry addult.

"I vote on Titanic biceaus to many people like Titanic"
"Oh well, then I will vote on POR just to annoy you"

This poll is useless!
(biceaus the voters made it useless)

If the Jetski is in SS2010 and not Titanic, or Ducky and not Titanic, then it just would be a waste of effort.
If you find Titanic boring, then you must find at least 1/3 of the ships in the game boring biceaus they manouver slower.

I think it would be a waste of research and work if Titanic wouldn't be added to SS2010.
She doesn't need modifications, just leave her as she is right now.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: jim.smith on January 21, 2009, 11:49:03
Why not leave the present vessels as they are and if VSTEP want to add more even better,it would save all disagreements and stop bad feelings amongst members.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 21, 2009, 15:31:26
I doubt that the decision on whether to include Titanic in 2010 will be made primarily on popularity, but upon the technical difficulties involved, although her popularity—or lack of it—might determine how much effort or resources should be devoted to her.

For most users, she is an interesting model to look at for a while and appreciate the effort that went into her, but then ignore as far as actually using her.

I doubt anyone really hates her, but those outside of her cult may get tired of the amount of space devoted to her. She has been the source of a lot of problems for technical support, mostly because they need to explain over and over why she disappears. She requires more available memory and other system resources than most other ships, and various special measures to make her work on average systems have been the cause of many “bugs”.

SS 2010 may require more system resources than 2008 because of the new sea model and other enhancements. This may exacerbate the problems with Titanic in her present state, even without the added burden of extra internal spaces that few will ever visit more than once.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mr Robville on January 21, 2009, 16:06:13
i can't vote... i can't miss any of these ships. i want to see them all in future SS's
i only want to see more ships, not less. ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mr Robville on January 21, 2009, 16:09:52
Common, this isn't verry addult.

"I vote on Titanic biceaus to many people like Titanic"
"Oh well, then I will vote on POR just to annoy you"

This poll is useless!
(biceaus the voters made it useless)

If the Jetski is in SS2010 and not Titanic, or Ducky and not Titanic, then it just would be a waste of effort.
If you find Titanic boring, then you must find at least 1/3 of the ships in the game boring biceaus they manouver slower.

I think it would be a waste of research and work if Titanic wouldn't be added to SS2010.
She doesn't need modifications, just leave her as she is right now.

she needs one modification, she needs to be converted to SS2010 ;D
you said the same i was thinking, i bet that 9/10 voters just vote ''something'' with no brain active
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 21, 2009, 17:11:04
she needs one modification, she needs to be converted to SS2010 ;D
you said the same i was thinking, i bet that 9/10 voters just vote ''something'' with no brain active

Hehe, yes.

It is just ridiculous.

There aren't any realistic missions for Titanic are some arguments.
Well, can anyone think of a realistic mission for the Ducky? :P

My vote went to Jetski, biceaus I couldn't choose between Ducky and Jetski, and I assumed that Ducky won't be available in SS2010.

I am absolutely not a Titanic fan.
I don't care that she sank.

But I do love to sail here biceaus I think she is a nice ship.

Only one thing, who's idea was it to put a lifeboat in here??  >:( (the one behind the bridge wing outside of the ship)
It spoils the view to the stern wich makes mooring impossible without 5th camera.
Well, actually, it should be possible to hang over the edge of the bridgewing to view the side.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mr Robville on January 21, 2009, 20:16:15
those were collapsible lifeboats, there should be hang one on every davit actualy, but they said that ''the deck would be too full''
in fact, every davit would contain 3 boats, one between the davits, one staying on the boatdeck next to the lifeboat between the davits, and one hanging.
and the 1st class railing should also haven't been there, but davits instead of that.
then the ship would had enough lifeboats, but they discussed 5 minutes about that idea and the drawings dissapeared in the desk.

so they removed a lot of davits and lifeboats, i don't know why they kept the first 2.

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 23, 2009, 04:34:30
2 things that would add to realism would also make it easier to see the stern:

1) Allowing all the lifeboats to move further in, towards the deck, when the ship docks and departs, this including putting lifeboats 1 and 2 on top of collapsables A and B (though unless Jason is willing to go overtime, this is not likely to happen)

2) allowing one to tilt their head out the window and looking down the ship's side

Also, without Titanic, how could we EVER have pictures like this? ;D


Beautiful, isn't it? ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mad_Fred on January 23, 2009, 05:23:59
I wont vote for my favorite, that would sadden some people even further..  ;D

I guess popular demand speaks for itself in this case..
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 23, 2009, 08:50:02
The question of lifeboats obstructing the view of the stern is a non-issue. That is why she has a docking bridge.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Traddles on January 23, 2009, 12:12:49
The lifeboats just abaft the bridge (Port & starboard) which are swung out are there because it was common practice to have one boat each side at readiness in case of a man overboard situation. From posts on other parts of the forum it is obvious that people still frequently fall overboard on passenger ships even nowadays. Having the boats ready like this saves quite some time in an emergency. It should be remembered that in 1912 lifeboats were lowered by hand with fibre ropes which in itself was quite a tricky operation. Modern boats are lowered just by gravity in a controlled way which all makes for speed of operation. 
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 23, 2009, 22:08:45
Unlike Fred, I did vote.

I couldn't make my mind up a first whether I'd prefer to loose Titanic or Jetski.

But I made my mind up in the end.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 23, 2009, 22:29:06
Besides, if we lost Titanic, where would Jason's model be when it gets updated?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mad_Fred on January 23, 2009, 22:45:28
The same place where other stuff that gets dropped goes.. nowhere.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 23, 2009, 22:46:21
I can name entire forums that would be upset if that occured to Titanic ;D
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mad_Fred on January 23, 2009, 22:52:45
That's a different story..

But the mere existance of a model doesn't mean it should be in the game.

I know a forum where the majority, as shown so far, seems not to be..  ::)  :laugh:

Btw, do those folks there on TRMA an all, all play Shipsim too? I don't see many people besides you talking about em much here.. but I'm sure some of them are members here too , right?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 23, 2009, 22:59:23
I know every thread Jason started on the subject on his model's progress and the Ship Simulator games was recieved with much praise ;D

Oh, and someone on the TRMA is from Singapore and they want to know if the Ship Sim games are sold in that region. Are they?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 23, 2009, 23:19:23
But the mere existance of a model doesn't mean it should be in the game.

I know a forum where the majority, as shown so far, seems not to be..  ::)  :laugh:

Oh? I'll have to join that one. Can you PM me the details?  ;D
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Mad_Fred on January 23, 2009, 23:23:52
Sure thing, Terry.

RMSG, being received with much praise on some other forum doesn't really help VSTEP much, unless the praising ones also buy the game...  you can't live on praise..  ;D

And yeah, they are shipped there AFAIK.. and he can buy a download version if al else fails, anyway.  :)

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: firestar12 on January 24, 2009, 01:19:28
But the mere existance of a model doesn't mean it should be in the game.
I know of a place like that. *coungh(VS)cough*
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Jammy on January 29, 2009, 11:59:55
I don't see why Titanic is getting the most votes, that's the ship that sells the game mostly.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 29, 2009, 15:07:05
What makes you think that?

Was there some information from Vstep that they forgot to tell me about?

No-one ever tells me anything!  ;)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Ballast on January 29, 2009, 17:20:17
I don't see why Titanic is getting the most votes, that's the ship that sells the game mostly.

I think the game is the most bought by general maritime enthusiast and by former, active and future mariners.

The Titanic is just the top of the ice berg (lol  :D)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 29, 2009, 17:47:48

Actually for many people (not me) Titanic was the only reason to buy SS

Considering the small number of vocal Titanic posters relative to thousands of purchasers, that assertion is questionable.
If Titanic is their sole motivator, there is little reason to believe that they would buy SS 2010, just to get the same model. It would save VSTEP some trouble if she were dropped from SS 2010.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 29, 2009, 19:14:29
I want to hear real arguements why ppl don't want Titanic.

And not just out of hate against the titanic lovers.

REAL arguements.

I like to put a tug at the bow to pull her off and then just sail her as she is ment to be sailed.
Not to crash her into icebergs.
Not to find every little mistake in the model.
Not to count the rivets in here hull.
And absolutely not to explore the ship.

But just to moore her properly in any port in the game.
And with mooring I really mean putting here against the dock slowly and not to 'moore' her 10m away from the dock.

Just like I love with every other big ship in Shipsim wich has realistic dynamics.

What is fun with the Jetski???
What is fun with the Ducky, powerboat, ...

Ppl see the Titanic more as a historical object then a ship.
And I find that sad.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 29, 2009, 19:45:26
Sam, the things you like Titanic for are good reasons to have her.

Perhaps there is a silent majority who feel as you and I do, but the vocal few seem to want her only as a 3D object to wander around in. That, alone, does not justify expending extra development resources to expand the interior and get her to produce reasonable frame rates in the new sea model.

I’m certainly not against her inclusion in SS 2010 if she does not take up an inordinate amount of technical support effort, or give rise to many complaints that she did not live up to expectations.

I would also be more enthusiastic if I saw some good missions that used her properly.


Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 29, 2009, 20:20:37
So I suppose my "Titanic Pinball Machine" mission, involving a high-speed Titanic and strategically-placed icebergs is a non-starter, then?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 29, 2009, 21:19:51
Only because you screwed up the iceberg dynamics, Terry.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 29, 2009, 21:24:23
The Copenhagen Principle applies. Quantum dynamics are relevant, regardless of size. As you haven't observed it, it is currently in suposition. I suppose.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Sam on January 29, 2009, 21:38:36
Sam, the things you like Titanic for are good reasons to have her.

Perhaps there is a silent majority who feel as you and I do, but the vocal few seem to want her only as a 3D object to wander around in. That, alone, does not justify expending extra development resources to expand the interior and get her to produce reasonable frame rates in the new sea model.

I’m certainly not against her inclusion in SS 2010 if she does not take up an inordinate amount of technical support effort, or give rise to many complaints that she did not live up to expectations.

I would also be more enthusiastic if I saw some good missions that used her properly.


I totally agree with this.
I just want people to hear my voice, so that a great ship won't be lost by the ignorance of others.

There shouldn't be spent anymore development in Titanic biceaus she is great the way she is, she shouldn't become a floating 3d picture.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: firestar12 on January 29, 2009, 23:09:44
I never quite got the point of this topic. I understand what it is about but it just seems to be one of those topics that are asking for a fight. For all we know, They might have all the ships from last year in the next version. (I really know that wouldn't happen, but you get the point.)
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Jammy on January 30, 2009, 00:43:30
I don't see the need to remove a ship from the future game anyway. Isn't the aim of bringing out a new game to improve it from previous versions? Not replace features with new ones which most games companies mess up anyway causing major complaints.
Bottom line is, why can't we just add new ships, and not remove already existing ships to make room for more? I'm pretty sure with modern DVD-R disks it's fairly easy to add more to the game to go with the already existing.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: TerryRussell on January 30, 2009, 07:12:56
So what do your examples have to do with dynamics?

I'm confused about which set of people's work you  wish to insult...
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: marcstrat on January 30, 2009, 09:44:24
Ducky,we dont need it realy,however al the other vessels can stay in the sim.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 31, 2009, 02:53:16
If Titanic is their sole motivator, there is little reason to believe that they would buy SS 2010, just to get the same model. It would save VSTEP some trouble if she were dropped from SS 2010.
Same model? You have no clue how many more improvements were made over the SS06 model!

If having the same ship in more than one game is troublesome, why not drop EVERY model by that logic?

Also, I am one of those who mainly buys it for Titanic.

If it weren't for Titanic, I wouldn't be here, as I would never have heard of Ship Sim. At the same time, if it weren't for Titanic, I'd be gone!
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Drakko on January 31, 2009, 04:08:32
do u lnow how do i discover ship sim ? by titanic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: firestar12 on January 31, 2009, 04:32:51
do u lnow how do i discover ship sim ? by titanic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
A little off topic eh?
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: mvsmith on January 31, 2009, 06:00:24
Same model? You have no clue how many more improvements were made over the SS06 model!

What has the 2006 model to do with anything? If there is a Titanic in 2010, it will most likely be the same as it is now—in SS 2008. At most, two of Jason’s most egregious foul-ups might be fixed—that ugly blue hole in the bow and the short rudder, which were really careless goofs.

Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 31, 2009, 19:26:55
Vstep places major improvements in their games as time goes on, and as the games improve, they can handle more, which means more ships, places, and most importantly, details.

If the SS10 Titanic improves upon the SS08 model by the same ratio SS08 improved on SS06, Titanic will be FAR different, I assure you.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: firestar12 on January 31, 2009, 19:51:22
Vstep places major improvements in their games as time goes on, and as the games improve, they can handle more, which means more ships, places, and most importantly, details.

If the SS10 Titanic improves upon the SS08 model by the same ratio SS08 improved on SS06, Titanic will be FAR different, I assure you.
Like Jason! In the next SS Titanic the rigging will be correct.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: RMS Gigantic on January 31, 2009, 19:54:16
Like Jason! In the next SS Titanic the rigging will be correct.
Or so he hopes.

He was also wanting to get the steam pipes on the funnels installed.

But it all depends on how much time he has to do it all.
Title: Re: Forgot ship
Post by: Drakko on February 04, 2009, 21:14:22

Actually for many people (not me) Titanic was the only reason to buy SS
like me, i saw a vid on youtube called titanic simulator and then in the list it sais titanic ship simulator