Ship Simulator

English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: Shipaddict on May 03, 2007, 16:37:46

Title: Ship Editor
Post by: Shipaddict on May 03, 2007, 16:37:46
In ss08 i've heard that there will be a ship editor shortly afterwards. Will this be cheap and easy to use?

Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: krishnaiow on May 03, 2007, 17:01:42
does anyone know what kind of things you can edit on the ships using the editor, i presume the liveries of the ships but what else?
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Shipaddict on May 03, 2007, 18:42:35
I do know that you can make your own ships. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 03, 2007, 20:08:45
You can more or less add your vessels and then plug in their dynamics to function within the game.

Honestly I am a bit concerned about quality control. I hope this does not cause a massive influx of terribly made vessels. Of course, we do not have to add them if we choose not to, but still, I always feel that is something that did not always look good for the reputation of MSFS.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Wout on May 03, 2007, 22:48:34
The ship-editor will be free to download and you will be able to adjust almost all real-life influences on ships. The editor will make simulation as accurate as possible.

We are thinking about a solution for badly created ships. Maybe some kind of rating system.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 03, 2007, 23:37:40
The ship-editor will be free to download and you will be able to adjust almost all real-life influences on ships. The editor will make simulation as accurate as possible.

We are thinking about a solution for badly created ships. Maybe some kind of rating system.

Whew!! I would like to discuss more about this solution you guys are coming up with.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 04, 2007, 20:03:59
Are these ships to be added by Vstep, or made to be hosted on their web server to be downloaded after being made. Obviously if you make them for yourself and install them yourself you make exactly what YOU want not what others dictate you should have, whether is a broken down barge, or a sailing barge with engine and sails that are torn to shreds.

The same applies if you make them available for others that wish to download them from your own webesite then that is up to the user with NOTHING to do with quality whatsover.
However I can only assume Vstep intend to make them available from their web server then of course that is entirely up to them what they wish to host on it.


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Mercante on May 04, 2007, 21:34:01

I have several doubts:

1º We must have the VSTEP permission to create ours freely addons?
2º Only VSTEP will be able to say if they are acceptable?

If this is not correct, then we will be able to create and integrate ours addons freely, without VSTEP control?

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 05, 2007, 05:56:35
I do not think they will have control of it . . . Of course, I could be incorrect. More information regarding these concerns to come once one of the devs see your post.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: JHB on May 05, 2007, 07:28:59
I like the idea of quality control. Just take a look at the Virtual Sailor side and you find a mountain of add-ons that have very poor designed hulls and superstructures. Some doesn’t even have a detailed bridge or some kind of instruments. It looks more like it’s just about building a ship model in the fastest way using Skethup and releases it without thinking.
Many of those add-ons are even not updated. :-\

There is a bunch of “wannabes” that release their first model ever built where parts are out of scale, terrible texturing and a hard-edged hull and where you start wondering if you are sailing a 6-sided big box with some kind of funnel at the top...

So yeah… quality control makes sense.  8)
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: marcstrat on May 05, 2007, 08:54:22
I think,we must leave modelling to the modelmakers among us.This means that you dont can be creative,but we need to keep our standards of models quite high.I've seen some models,which are hardly called models.Now i can understand that people have to learn,how to make a model,which is good.However for the game it's a quite different story.
I do believe that among our members is quite some potentiale,in matter of modelmaking.
If you know for yourself,that you are good in this stuff(which i'm not),please do come out with your model.However dont be dissepointment,if your model,will not go in the game,at ones.
We will,promote creativity at all times.
Kind Regards
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Mercante on May 05, 2007, 12:28:46
Ok, Thanks for all replies..

But.. is not more better that all modellers (novices or experts) can create / integrate any addon without VSTEP control?..

..VSTEP sells SS to all customers, and this customer is free to integrate in SS any addon that wants, is not better?

The SS have one mission...: enjoy to all public, then is not a strictly professional simulator, then is not necessary to take control and to decide then that addons can be integrated (or not) in the game.

The case of Virtual Sailor is that it is the marine simulator more opened that exists, and SS would have to follow their steps..... the user can take a final decision...: install or not install this "terribly" addon.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 05, 2007, 12:50:11
I won't comment further and deleted my post, but if you are interested in starting to make content for yourself and  for ships, boats, buildings or dockside content, to whatever quality you want,  there are a few basic tutorials on my site for "Blender" (free and open source). Will also export to .x complete with texture for VS, however I use vrml97 for my content.  Also tutorial for making srtm2 satellite data sceneries but for the Stentec sail and motorboat simulator.
There is also a basic "blend" file I made for an animated watermill you can download if you wish to experiment and alter or export to whatever file type.
Must add... no idea if it will be of any use for ship simulator  as I do not know what file types will eventually be decided on, but Blender can export to a variety of types.

For my part I will wait and see if ship sim eventually becomes a user-friendly ship and sailing simulator, with easy to add content and satellite based sceneries to whatever quality you wish to make them and for whatever era.


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Wout on May 05, 2007, 21:49:59
VStep will not be in direct control. Everyone will be able to make and publish his own ship. However, VStep might rate some ships as 'reliable' for instance. We are not sure about that yet.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 06, 2007, 03:18:51
VStep will not be in direct control. Everyone will be able to make and publish his own ship. However, VStep might rate some ships as 'reliable' for instance. We are not sure about that yet.

This is a simular system to a lot of the popular online simulator resoource sites.

Do we know, however, if 3d party vessels will have walk around and damage features, or will those be VStep generated specific?
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: marcstrat on May 06, 2007, 15:55:30
As far as i can understand,you can makke your onw vessels,with this editor stuff.
Or do i see that wrong??
However,what about our members,which can not make even a simple model(i can tell you,i'm surely one of them).
They can never make a extra model for themself,or woulld there be some modelbank,where we can pick up some model.
How would this system works,for the (cannot-modelmakers).
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Bottman on May 06, 2007, 16:05:43
As Wout  wrote before, the ship editor is not an instrument to create new vessels, it´s for the fine tuning of the existing vessels. You may change the depth or several other things, which have an influence to the ships dynamics.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: marcstrat on May 06, 2007, 16:17:32
As Wout  wrote before, the ship editor is not an instrument to create new vessels, it´s for the fine tuning of the existing vessels. You may change the depth or several other things, which have an influence to the ships dynamics.

Thanks for this info,now i understand what tool it is.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: krishnaiow on May 06, 2007, 16:28:29
can u stil change the design of the ships for example the colours and paint schemes of the ships?

for example if i wanted to repaint some of the ships a different colour?
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Bottman on May 06, 2007, 16:39:36
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 06, 2007, 17:04:38
As far as I can see the statement says MAKE not edit, and there are various ship designer programs available for the hulls etc such as freeship which you can download, and finish the top with another program, etc. Not much point in just editing a configuration table for a ship already made.

"Everyone will be able to make and publish his own ship".

But we will see what Vstep eventually decide.


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: marcstrat on May 06, 2007, 18:14:07
Yes, i understand this whole system now,but some kind of modelbank,might be usefull for everyone.
Lets say,you have create a very nice model,from an existing one.Maybe you want to share it with the rest of the members,so than they could go on this bank,and download it.The same if you like a model.
Offcourse it's better that vstep,can keep an eye on it.They understand the difference between a good,very good or bad model.
And it would be more secure to download it from them.
This is my point of view.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Mercante on May 06, 2007, 19:08:10
VStep will not be in direct control. Everyone will be able to make and publish his own ship. However, VStep might rate some ships as 'reliable' for instance. We are not sure about that yet.

Yes, this is the way that VSTEP would have to follow... ever all modders can make own designs and integrate this on SS, this is the best way to follow.. and SS2008 (and future) will become the favorite ship simulator for many 3D artists and gamers.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 09, 2007, 17:02:59
It has been discussed for some time now that this would be a tool for adding as well as modifying vessels for Ship Simulator. Unless VStep is suddenly changing course, which I do not think they would in this matter because it has been a major, major issue for some time, I think we can safely consider it like most game editing tools - something you can add to the game and edit what is in it already.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: JoMach on May 09, 2007, 19:07:24
The only thing that I will do is giving the vessel and barge my own colors and logo´s ;D I´m not zo good in modelling but repaint I love it to do. :D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 09, 2007, 19:25:31
In the future you will have to send me some of those designs my way . . .  As well as tell me your technique. ;)
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: JoMach on May 09, 2007, 20:55:21
In the past I did repaints of trucks with my own colors and logo's, dds files. with adobe photoshop. The avator I use here on the forum also made by my own. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Ship Sim on May 09, 2007, 21:07:10
I would like to make my own ships. I would like to have my own desinge ships in the game. ;D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 09, 2007, 22:22:23
In the past I did repaints of trucks with my own colors and logo's, dds files. with adobe photoshop. The avator I use here on the forum also made by my own. ;D

Nice work. I am an Illustrator and PS kind of guy.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 10, 2007, 02:17:52
I would like to make my own ships. I would like to have my own desinge ships in the game. ;D

Download freeship if you wish to experiment. The hull design part is a free download.
It automatically makes the mesh of the hull depending on how you set it up, and you can then alter it.
Export as dxf or obj I think and import into Blender.
and then add whatever you want.
Blender is free and open source.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 10, 2007, 06:44:24
Thanks Barry!
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 10, 2007, 14:29:38
The link I gave for freeship in this thread I think was for the download page.
Main. Home page with details  is


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 10, 2007, 19:59:51
Thanks again, you have always been of great assistance. How is your scenery work coming along?
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 10, 2007, 23:34:47
Hello Dave.

In a bit of a limbo with simulators.

Can make any scenery in an about an hour (anybody can), terrain, guessed depths and basic textures amd made most of the West side of UK in about 40 to 60 miles sections in 14 sceneries, added my own content c1800,  but limited as software 5 years old, although srtm2 satellite data and terrain won't change.

Case of waiting for the next version of Stentec, sailing sim beta due Sept, and probably get ship sim come July, although not quite my interests, but will be intersting to see what ideas they come up.
We will see what happens, and at least we have 3 sail and motorboat simulators now (not racing types) and we had none 5 years or so ago.


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: AriesDW on May 11, 2007, 08:01:53
Motoboat simulator looks like it is a little ahead of Ship Sim in terms of vessel dynamics, waves, etc . . . However, it seems that VStep has made the ship sim with the best graphics thus far . . .
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: rvm3192 on May 11, 2007, 22:32:31
If it comes out, wut I fear is wut happenes when Shipsim... 2010 comes out? All of the ships made 4 ship sim 2008 will be useless. And people will have to make them again.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Shipaddict on May 12, 2007, 14:19:43
I downloaded delftship but found that it was a little to technical for me!
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 12, 2007, 20:11:42
I downloaded delftship but found that it was a little to technical for me!

Hi - Its a while ago since used it.
I think it only shows one side of the hull.
You can set it to show both sides, and it will then export both side together as dxf I think and import into Blender to finish it or any content creation program that will import it.

Its basically shows one side of  a mesh of a hull which you  set up however you like,  and you can pull it into any shape using little "handles", on the sides. That is if it hasn't changed since I used it.
I made a "freestyle" hull for a sailing ship using it,  and finished it with Blender, for the masts, etc, which I have in my sceneries.

No idea myself how to use it properly based on plans, etc.
Maybe somone else may give more details?

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: ikeja1961 on May 19, 2007, 17:29:05
Can hear the whooshing sound as all this goes over my head! How on Earth do you start to adapt this to your own likes?  ;D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on May 22, 2007, 18:19:40
Can hear the whooshing sound as all this goes over my head! How on Earth do you start to adapt this to your own likes?  ;D

If interested you would probably need to experiment.
Reading about something always sounds more complicated than the actual thing.
You already have a rowing boat as open hull.
Import into Blender. Seal the top and open end. scale it up by pressing S.
Move the mouse and you have a liner... ;)


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Cdre Gibs on July 18, 2007, 04:08:13
As a Model and Skin person I'm most pleased to hear about the intended Ship Editor. I can only hope that as a serious Modeler that it has 3D Max Support built in.

What I'm also hoping is that its basicaly a MDK (Mod Developers Kit) which includes things like a 3D Importer/Extractor, Achive Complier/Decompiler, Sound editor, Animation Editor, Map/Chart Editor (for the addition of new global areas) and a Partical Editor.

Also the inclusion of the Nav/GPS system from SS06 Pro would be outstanding or at least a way to port it across to SS08.

Clear skies and fair seas.
Cdre Gibs
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: J3nsen on July 18, 2007, 09:32:03
This Ships Editor, will it bee Ready ships texture, Hull and littel more simpel/easy than 3Dmax studio?? Gona love it, if we can learn it fast! :D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Cdre Gibs on July 19, 2007, 10:13:42
If the preposed editor is confined to premade parts then you will limit the amount of ships one can make. If you want any ship to be included, then it must take the form of a serious set of Utils like those I mention above, to enable the importing of any vessel. Limit the editor, limit the sim. Its that simple.

I know a lot of ppl can't either get or even use a 3D program like Max, but the upside is that if it supported you will get better models of ships. Simple 3D programs are just not up to the level of detail you will want nor for that matter what would be on par with whats already in the sim. If you wish to detract from SS, then by all means push for a limited editor. I on the other hand would go for the best that we can get to maximize the potential of the sim.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: alazose on August 05, 2007, 20:33:49
As Wout  wrote before, the ship editor is not an instrument to create new vessels, it´s for the fine tuning of the existing vessels. You may change the depth or several other things, which have an influence to the ships dynamics.


See what I mean by contradictory?  What is "fine tuning", changing the depth?  Like I said, I will be very pleasantly surprised...
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Agent|Austin on August 05, 2007, 20:35:46
See what I mean by contradictory?  What is "fine tuning", changing the depth?  Like I said, I will be very pleasantly surprised...

Yes and then after that Wout said to Make And Publish!
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Stuart2007 on August 05, 2007, 22:16:08
Sadly things do change. I planned to have won the lottery by now, but I had to change my plans ;)

Many people, myself included, are disappointed that SDK isn't going to be included but Pjotr & Mark explained why. It is ust not possible to make an interface that the average user can use.

Comparison to 'other ship simulators'- where you CAN add a ship- is meaningless, as I don't reallythink they are to the same level as SS- in terms of complexity of dynamic model.

The problem is that if Vstep is correct and that the ship editor would take more work than the original game- would enough people REALLY buy it to make it worth their while? (please don't mention 'free'- if it's that complicated it isn't going to be free).

That said, I think it's a shame...

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: JHB on August 05, 2007, 23:13:27
I would really like to make alpha tests of ships in Ship Simulator. But that's not the way it's going to be.
We who proudly add our daily expensive time in making ship models and design them from bottom to the top will have to send it in... to VSTEP. And I mean, it's impossible to me to know if they will manage to get the model work inside the game or not. My ship model may even contain several bugs, like errors in the face structure, un-welded vertex points, material errors etc. :-\

I know that for the Quest 3D engine you have a converter that can covert 3DS-files to X-files ( I got the Quest 3D application myself bought from Act-3D - what a "nice" price). The X-files are then placed into the scene and you start to add behavior, animations, materials, light conditions etc.

If it's so hard to program a SDK (which I fully agree that it will), maybe you can make something more simple, like a test environment where we can at least debug our ship models before we send them in to VSTEP (???)

It would be nice just to see if the ship model occurs like you have made it, and not like a buggy object which makes no sense. :-\

A pre-SDK would be nice. :)  I'm not asking for the source code of the game her, just a testing environment.
Would that be so extremely hard to program? ???

I can even setup a water environment in Quest 3D myself If I want, but I'm still a completely newbie to this application. :D

More about Quest3D: (
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Barry on August 05, 2007, 23:16:24


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Stuart2007 on August 05, 2007, 23:23:05
I find myself agreeing with JHB.

I've said before- expecting a simple editor to 'plug in your ship and play' is totally unrealistic- most of us wouldn't know how the ship really behaves anyway- but, as JHB says- a cut down version that allows us to get a close approxmation- even if it takes us a while to learn to use, would be a great tool.

In the same way that vstep made 2006 pro- an enhanced version of 08 with a limited SDK (obviously it would have to be at a higher price) would be a good thing.

In any case, could a template be taken from another ship for dynamics- for example, just HOW different is any ferry of the 30000+ size different from PoR?
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: mporter on August 06, 2007, 01:34:30

Agreeing with someone?? Stuart?? ;D ;D

The problem is (or seems to be) that Vstep's engine does not use parameters of the "real" ships as the basis for handling characteristics but instead uses a series of secondary parameters (turning radius, acceleration, etc) that could easily be inconsistent (and have been shown to be so in many cases). I suspect that this is the reason for flying ships and other problems that mean a lot of individual programming work to get a ship to function in SS.

I am switching my energies (such as they are) to VS -- the graphics are not so good, and there are other problems, but the handling is much more predictable and realistic, and that is all I care about.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Stuart2007 on August 06, 2007, 01:38:46
Mentioning the competition??????

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Orinoco on August 06, 2007, 01:45:17
Personally, I'm a much bigger fan of Ship Sim than Virtual Sailor.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Stuart2007 on August 06, 2007, 02:26:45
like any 2competitors, they both have their pros and cons. Both will have their fans...

Compare to:

Coke Vs Pepsi
Muckdonalds Vs Bug King
British Airways Vs Virgin

It's wrong for people to keep comparing them as they have gone down different channels of what they consider most important.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: JHB on August 06, 2007, 17:15:26
like any 2competitors, they both have their pros and cons. Both will have their fans...

Compare to:

Coke Vs Pepsi
Muckdonalds Vs Bug King
British Airways Vs Virgin

It's wrong for people to keep comparing them as they have gone down different channels of what they consider most important.

I totally agree. It's like those who compare Xbox and PS and they have a "fight night" going on sometimes just to prove which one is the loser and winner. They argue like kids. Their comments is  very fun to read.
I read some online computer/game sites on the WWW and the fights come and go ;D

Typical human nature... :D
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Stuart2007 on August 06, 2007, 17:54:05
I would never condone those who go onto a site and say how much better the 'other lot' are. But it is funny to watch as they usually can't tell they're being had.

Still, we don't want THAT HERE. ;)

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Orinoco on August 06, 2007, 23:34:01
I totally agree. It's like those who compare Xbox and PS and they have a "fight night" going on sometimes just to prove which one is the loser and winner. They argue like kids. Their comments is  very fun to read.
I read some online computer/game sites on the WWW and the fights come and go ;D

Typical human nature... :D

Depends on the gen. IMO:

1st gen winner: Sony PS (but N64 had Perfect Dark and Lylat Wars!)
2nd gen winner: Sony PS2 (But GC was fun - esp. Pikmin)
3rd gen winner: Nintendo Wii. (But PS3 is the technically superior console).
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: mporter on August 07, 2007, 02:05:08
like any 2competitors, they both have their pros and cons. Both will have their fans...

Compare to:

Coke Vs Pepsi
Muckdonalds Vs Bug King
British Airways Vs Virgin

It's wrong for people to keep comparing them as they have gone down different channels of what they consider most important.

I agree completely! And I have no interest in urging any of my choices on anyone else.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Lighthouse on October 03, 2007, 00:24:12
Hi all,

Okay, I've got a few questions I'd like to ask regarding the Ship Editor. Right here we go...

1) When will this Ship Editor be release? In the next patch later this year?

2) Can you import your own ships into Ship Simulator by using this Editor

3) Will this editor use the same file formate as Virtual Sail when importing ships? i.e. Rudder area in ft, Hp, max rudder turn degree etc.

4) Will this editor enable you to edit ship sound files

5) Will this editor allow the user to import custom sounds for his/her custom ship they wish to import into the game? i.e. start up sound, idle, 1/2 throttle, full throttle and fog / ship horn.

Thanks for taking the time to read my reply, if you can answer any of these questions it would be greatly appreciated.

Bon Voyage,

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: groennegaard on October 03, 2007, 08:32:47
Hi Lighthouse :)

Would you please read the FAQ and announcement section before posting?,1071.0.html

There is not going to be such an editor in the near future. There might be added a function to the mission editor so that you can add static objects to the game - but still not playable ships.

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Lighthouse on October 05, 2007, 08:40:58
Hi Groennegaard,

Well I didn't read the FAQ's and Annoncements before posting but I did do a search and this was the only topic which came up so, sorry for not checking there also. Well... I didn't know there was a topic on this there, so sorry I look there also in the future.

Well static objects is a start but after reading the topic in the FAQ's and Annoncements, yes I did read it, there is no chance in the near future, at least, of a ship editior and import (SAD Moan)

Bon Voyage,


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: LucAtC on October 05, 2007, 19:23:06
Hello Groennegaard,
And I also never stated there would not be a ship dynamics editor. we may well release our internal dynamics editor in a few months, when it is stable and suitable for external use.
Any news about that?
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: groennegaard on October 05, 2007, 23:23:35
Hi Luc :)

Unfortunately no news about that either  :-\

Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: chuan15 on October 18, 2007, 12:40:01
where can i download ship editor ? i need this software because i unable to play the v1.1 patch due to the required serial numer after i installed the patch.
Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: [RWP]DJM on October 18, 2007, 13:41:56
where can i download ship editor ? i need this software because i unable to play the v1.1 patch due to the required serial numer after i installed the patch.

I have a question to ask you then, if you're unable to use the 1.1 update because of licence key issues, why is this?  If you got the game 'legally', you will have no issues with the licence key :)

There is no Ship Editor, only a Mission Editor, and this requires the 1.1 update to be installed.


Title: Re: Ship Editor
Post by: Stuart2007 on October 31, 2007, 09:39:28
Good grief, Mr DJM. You do find them, don't you?
