Ship Simulator
English forum => Ship Simulator 2008 => General discussions => Topic started by: adamello on May 02, 2007, 17:13:57
We all know about Red Jet 4, and possibly seen the pics, i'm amazed at the detail upon..
i havn't trawled through all the forums.. but i look up at the banner at the top of the page ^^ and under the golden gate bridge we see sailing a P&O Ferry and what looks like 2 red funnel Ferries..
and to be really picky the one on the left looks like the Red Eagle
i had been told there was a wightlink car ferry and a red jet? i dunno but i would like to no before it comes out!
if anyone can help?
It would be nice if there were some pictures for us to see . . . so that the rest of us could share our thoughts on this.
they just added pics go 2,115.0.html
Ah yes yes - thanks for the link. There are some gorgeous ships here. I cannot wait to take a whack at them!
hoy dave,
You can in the future.
hoy dave,
You can in the future.
I am counting on it
i am guessing from the pics there isnt a wightlink ferry then! oh well hopefully in the future!
cant wait to go around the isle of wight!
i am guessing from the pics there isnt a wightlink ferry then! oh well hopefully in the future!
cant wait to go around the isle of wight!
You will be not able to go around the Isle of Wight,it's because modelling takes very much time,if you want to do it good.
Later maybe in future editions,vstep is able to connect a new part of the island to this part.
how much of the isle of wight has been modelled? i no of cowes ryde an southampton
So let me get this right. Cowes and Ryde have been modelled so does that mean that the rest of the island will be just trees? And the odd building. The good thing is that Cowes is where Red funnel docks so it would be great to do the real ferry route. I'm personally looking forward to Southampton the most ;D ;D
Really looking forward to this! I've always wanted to recreate that route.
Just wondering: how are you going to make the Red Eagle double-ended? In terms of manouvring?
I presume it will be equipped with a propeller in each end, as the original?
I tought the original had voith schneiders ???
they do!
Will it be some docks for the ferry? So it looks like a ferry goes there, not just a straight dock with no roads.
from the screenshots of Cowes posted on this site it doesnt look as if there are detailed docks.
I could be wrong though - Does anybody else know?
It would be best if you had a route to go after, and that the docks really looked like ferry docks. So I can go forth and backward between two places, like most of the ferries. I like ferries very much, and are working on one myself.
I think it would be cool if you could operate the loading doors/ramps and see an animation of cars and people come and go. I think it would give a nice break between trips as well as add realism to the game.
I totally agree, but don't think that will come at first, but it should be a well done dock, so that you don't lay into a container dock for example.
I totally agree, but don't think that will come at first, but it should be a well done dock, so that you don't lay into a container dock for example.
Ugh - Yes, that is true. It should be a dock of some relation to the vessel. At least with cars and people waiting, eh? ;)
Yes, it should be so that the ferry fits in the dock, and not that it looks like it's going to pick up cars from the side and so on.
Yes, I strongly agree. Thoughts, anyone?
I tought the original had voith schneiders ???
It may have Voith-Schneiders, but in order to be double-ended, there must be some kind of propulsion at both ends, and that was what I was wondering about; will they make the ferry so that she operates like a double-ended ferry?
Hrm - That is a good point. Right now, all the ships in SS2006 and the other vessels proposed in SS2008 have only one "command station position" when you click the control icon. VStep would need to develope either multiple command station position abilities or you would have to command the vessel one way in command mode and then the other way in walkaround mode . . . . Good thought.
On a ferry I'm woorking at we turn the whole wheelhouse, when turning it the thrusters turn too.
I can't wait for the Red Funnel boats in the game, so I can do a real route. :D
I have been on a ferrie down in north carolina and it had stern propulsion and they took the whole ferrie and turnted it around. So it is possiable we will have to do this in the game. ;)
I have been on a ferrie down in north carolina and it had stern propulsion and they took the whole ferrie and turnted it around. So it is possiable we will have to do this in the game. ;)
Okay...but since the ferry in itself is double-ended it should be created as such in the game as well.
I have worked on over 20 double-ended ferries myself, and most of them have a manouvre-position in each end of the wheelhouse. However, the newer ones have one manouvre-position in the middle of the wheelhouse.
This consists of a turnable chair with control levers at both sides.
On these ferries, you have one azimuth-thruster in each end, providing both propulsion and steering.
It works like this: when you sit in your chair, you have one control lever in each hand, at both sides of the chair.
In your right hand, you have the control lever for the aft thruster(by this I mean AFT depending on which way the ferry moves, so it`s the thruster behind your back....hard to explain for a non-englishman ;))
In your left hand is the control lever for the thruster in front of you - the bow in this direction.
When the ferry leaves the dock the chair is turned the opposite way and because of this you will still have the thruster behind you in your right hand and the one in the bow in your left....geddit?
For those unfamiliar with double-ended ferries: the ferry is run by both thrusters, pointing backwards, but steered with the one behind your back. When approaching the docks, the thruster in the bow is turned 180 degrees and is used to stop the ferry and steer its bow, while the thruster in the back may have a pitch/rpm of maybe 20-30% and is used to steer the ferry`s stern. This is at least how it`s done on many norwegian ferries.
Hope this may be of some help - if someone involved with making the game or anybody else needs more information, I
will do my very best to be of assistance.
Oh, and by the way: for a picture of the control lever for the thruster, go to: consists of a regular throttle, this is mounted on a 360 degrees "plate" so that you choose the way you want to thrust - almost as an outboard motor.
Fascinating. Thank you for this information. Now let us hope a way can be found to get it programmed into the game properly. I think this sounds like an exciting approach.
the ships have two voith schnieder propellors one at each end, on the bridge of the ferry, they have 4 sets of controls, 1 on each wing, and on at the forward end of the bridge, and a copy at the stern end of the bridge, when docking you use the one closest to the end which is connectin withthe land, when leaving to go the other way, the captain moves to another control station, are whatever you want to call it, and uses the controls there so the the other end becomes the bow, and the end tht was the bow, is the stern of the ship.
I believe, regardless of propulsion system, that is a common approach. It is common place for vessels to have wing controls, and of course the main command station on the bridge. However, in this case, two sets in the bridge. I really like the bridge layout as Apjens described in addition to two wing stations. To me that sounds very efficient and practical.
on this pic, the person is facing the bow, (camera man is facing the person i.e the aft end of the ship) the wheel at he bottom of the picture (closest to the camera man) controls the front end of the ship, the front voith propeller, and the wheel closest the the crewman in the blue shirt, and trouser, controls the rear voith unit.
when the crew man turns the wheel controlling the forward propeller, to the left the bow starts to swing to the left with the rear propeller still driving the boat straight ahead.
when the crewman turns the wheel for the propeller at the aft end of the ship the back of the vessel swings around resulting in this effect
although this is for a wightlink ferry the red funnel control system would be the same....i think! with a wheel controlling the bow direction, a wheel controling the stern direction and another wheel verticall mounted ont he side of the unit for prpulsion forwards or backwards.
as for forward back ward movement, there is another wheel place vertically on the side of the console which is moved in the direction of desired movement,
when moving backwards as a role on role off ferry would do half the trips as , the wheel controlling the aft of the ship will then control the new forward (going backward maked the stearn the bow) and the wheel is just turned left to turn left or right to turn right.
hope this is of some use
if ur making a virtual bridge it is best to make it as realistic as possible
another example of the wheels
read throught the website below, ye sit is for kids but it has a clearer explanation and pics, with a section on HOW TO CONTROL THE CAR FERRIES USING VOITH SCHNIEDER propulsion, again although it is a wightlink ferry red funnel would be the same.
PAGE 10 and 13 (Pictures)
Picture of the red falcons (the red eagles almost identical sister ship) control unit
if you read the first few pages it kinda explains how they are controlled
Picture of the red falcons (the red eagles identical sister ship) control unit
if you read the first few pages it kinda explains how they are controlled
Sister ship yes, identical - no!
The doccument also indicates that both propulsion units can be controlled "as one", as well as how easy it is to forget that they are not - hence the plowing into the linkspan at Southampton!
yes that is true
surely when making the game they would model controls based on the real life controls like in the pictures in the document, wouldnt they?
Let us sure hope so.
As far as i know,the red funnel ferrie will be in the game,with a normal steering(as other vessels),however Vstep is thinking for a future edition,to make it like real.How?They dont have a idea yet,but it has to come in the game.
Another reason is,that they are realy hard working on the 2008 version,like the scenery,dynamics........aso.
This takes somuch time,and they are running out of it.
One thing i can tell you,the differce of the 2006,compaired with the 2008 version is huge.
If you look to the youtube movies,you can see the progress of this game.
Remember,this game is only one year on the market.
Most of the features,like waves....aso,are there.
In short words,amazing game,if you see where and how it all was.
True they have done well for where they are at. However, we can all hope and look forward to the future.
How about the linkspans? Will they be implemented? That`s absolutely crucial!
I think that even if people cannot be animated to walk on the ship there should at least be people standing there that disappear when they are on board. Like in SS 2006, people would stand there, representing the people who were to get on board, but they didn't dissapear afterwards. Vstep could have made it like the drowning men waypoint.
Well, it is like in MSFS there was an animation at some airports where a fuel truck would drive to you, fill the tanks, then drive away. It even drove around to the animated and static AI craft.
No Isle of Wight ferry has propellors fore and aft. They can load at either end but always have to turn around. No Isle of Wight ferry goes around the Island either, all ports are on the North coast of the Island.
No Isle of Wight ferry has propellors fore and aft. They can load at either end but always have to turn around. No Isle of Wight ferry goes around the Island either, all ports are on the North coast of the Island.
I believe all of the IOW ferries use VSPs. The Car feries on both the Southampton-Cowes (Red Funnel) and Lymington Yarmouth (WightLink) route are double bowed and never turn around as they are designed that way. Two of the three ferries on the Portsmouth-Fishbourne (Wightlink) service need to turn as they have only one "bow" but can load both ends.
I believe all of the IOW ferries use VSPs. The Car feries on both the Southampton-Cowes (Red Funnel) and Lymington Yarmouth (WightLink) route are double bowed and never turn around as they are designed that way. Two of the three ferries on the Portsmouth-Fishbourne (Wightlink) service need to turn as they have only one "bow" but can load both ends.
2 of the 3? there's 5! the 4 older ones have a bridge at the front, rather than the middle, so they turn around when leaving fishbourne, so the bridge is facing the direction of movement. tht sed i have known of sailings to have been done in 'reverse' without turning the bridge to face the front!
the newest ship and the 5th one to run on the route has a bridge in the middle, and has no need to turn around at fishbourne unless the weather is bad, when they turn around to have the ships anchor at the front, so the strongest part of the hull goes through the waves first.
2 of the 3? there's 5! the 4 older ones have a bridge at the front, rather than the middle, so they turn around when leaving fishbourne, so the bridge is facing the direction of movement. tht sed i have known of sailings to have been done in 'reverse' without turning the bridge to face the front!
the newest ship and the 5th one to run on the route has a bridge in the middle, and has no need to turn around at fishbourne unless the weather is bad, when they turn around to have the ships anchor at the front, so the strongest part of the hull goes through the waves first.
My appologies, I dont know why I said 3 (must have forgotten St Faith & St Cecilia when counting)!
Note to self: Remember Routes & Ships....
Vehicle services....
Portsmouth-Fishbourne: St Clair, St Catherine, St Helen, St Faith, St Cecilia.
Lymington-Yarmouth: Cenred, Cenwolf, Caedmon [+Hull 550, Hull 551].
Southampton-East Cowes: Red Falcon, Red Osprey, Red Eagle.
Fast passenger services....
Portsmouth-Ryde: Our Lady Pamela, Fastcat Ryde, Fastcat Shanklin
Southampton-West Cowes: Red Jet 1, Red Jet 2, Red Jet 3, Red Jet 4
Are IOW ferries the same as Wightlink ferries? Or is Wightlink a subsidiary of IOW ferries?
I found a Wightlink ferries site and read that these ferries have aft and forward propellers, but it is not mentioned of which kind. Does someone know anything about that?
Are IOW ferries the same as Wightlink ferries? Or is Wightlink a subsidiary of IOW ferries?
I found a Wightlink ferries site and read that these ferries have aft and forward propellers, but it is not mentioned of which kind. Does someone know anything about that?
There are 2 companies that opperate scheduled ferry services to the Isle of Wight, WightLink and Red Funnel.
All of the car ferries use VOITH SCHNIEDER propulsion units, one forward and one aft.
I was on a red funnel a few years back and it was double ended and never turned.
The old Netley Castle certainly was! (old indeed)
I was on a red funnel a few years back and it was double ended and never turned.
The old Netley Castle certainly was! (old indeed)
The Netley Castle was the first of Red Funnels fleet that didnt need turning and stayed with them til '97.
My appologies, I dont know why I said 3 (must have forgotten St Faith & St Cecilia when counting)!
Note to self: Remember Routes & Ships....
Vehicle services....
Portsmouth-Fishbourne: St Clair, St Catherine, St Helen, St Faith, St Cecilia.
Lymington-Yarmouth: Cenred, Cenwolf, Caedmon [+Hull 550, Hull 551].
Southampton-East Cowes: Red Falcon, Red Osprey, Red Eagle.
Fast passenger services....
Portsmouth-Ryde: Our Lady Pamela, Fastcat Ryde, Fastcat Shanklin
Southampton-West Cowes: Red Jet 1, Red Jet 2, Red Jet 3, Red Jet 4
haha, well u remember them this time! :P
Vehicle services....
Portsmouth-Fishbourne: St Clair, St Catherine, St Helen, St Faith, St Cecilia.
Lymington-Yarmouth: Cenred, Cenwolf, Caedmon [+Hull 550, Hull 551].
Southampton-East Cowes: Red Falcon, Red Osprey, Red Eagle.
Fast passenger services....
Portsmouth-Ryde: Our Lady Pamela, Fastcat Ryde, Fastcat Shanklin
Southampton-West Cowes: Red Jet 1, Red Jet 2, Red Jet 3, Red Jet 4
Southsea - Ryde: Freedom 90, Island Express, and Solent Express
The Netley Castle was the first of Red Funnels fleet that didnt need turning and stayed with them til '97.
Thanks for the photo- brings back memories... It was a bit of a tub though! I went on that ship in about 95. A bit different from red eagle!
The earliest ferries I remember were "Cowes Castle" and "Noris Castle", and the high speed service was then run by hydrofoils - Shearwater 3 thru to Shearwarer 6.
I believe all three ferries - Coews Castle, Noris Castle & Netley Castle were all sold to a Croation company.
You can fine loads of images of them (and others) here: (
It would be great to see something from the old British Rail days on the Portsmouth Ryde route like the MV Southsea, MV Shanklin or MV Brading or even further back the PS Ryde or from Red Funnel The MV Balmoral or the Vecta.
i had been told there was a wightlink car ferry and a red jet? i dunno but i would like to no before it comes out!
if anyone can help?
whigtlink car ferry is not in the game but in a addon i have heard
whigtlink car ferry is not in the game but in a addon i have heard
well i got a reply evenutally! lol, well, i have known there wasn't going to be one in the original release, i have the game now as well. but thnx all the same for replying!
where did you here about this add on ?
regards k
There is no proposed wightlink addon that I am aware of. I very much doubt it is a strong candidate for the future as it replicates too much what we already have.
I saw the old Netly Castle in the back water of Malta drydock a few years ago! She was looking very sorry for herself. Not sure if she was on the way too or the way back to Croatia! I was taking an old 2500 DWT tanker down to work as a bunker vessel. I dare say she is looking a bit sorry for herself too by now!
they just added pics go 2,115.0.html
I know this topic is ancient, but on the flickr slideshow above it appears that the Pride of Rotterdam is actually the Pride of Hull. Look at the rear, and it has a blue open deck ???
Just a prototype model, I guess. :)
It doesnt matter what it actually is... when you slap on an edited skin, it's the pride of Hull, but in our game now, it's the PoR.